Only Carefresh Sprinkles Special Edition Small Pet Bedding is made from scratch using sustainably sourced natural fiber. Keep your small pet warm and dry with pillowy soft, ultra-absorbent comfyfluff. Every day is a celebration with multi-colored sprinkles blend.
Includes: 1 Bag
Intended Pet(s): Great for rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats, ferrets and other small pets
Material(s): Natural Paper Fiber
Color: Purple, Yellow, Blue, Pink
Package Weight: 8.5 lb (Usable Volume 50 L)
Instructions: Apply 1-3 inches of bedding to your pet’s home. Remove damp spots or soiled areas between changes and replace with fresh bedding.
Caution: As with any change to your pet’s environment, there is a potential risk of impaction if your pet ingests a significant amount of its bedding. If you suspect impaction, discontinue use immediately and seek veterinary care.
Caution: As with any change to your pet’s environment, there is a potential risk of impaction if your pet ingests a significant amount of its bedding. If you suspect impaction, discontinue use immediately and seek veterinary care.
Britt (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] All of our critters love this bedding!!! We use it for our rats and piggies it’s their absolute favorite bedding. They run jump and throw it all over the place. It’s the favorite to curl up in to make their beds!
cts1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh is the only bedding I use and the only brand I trust for my guinea pigs. They are committed to the health, wellbeing, and safety of the animals they serve. And they have a strong commitment to customer service and customer satisfaction.
Louise (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] What a great idea to make so many fun colors and color combinations for bedding. I love the sea glass the most. ♀️ mermaids are my fave, that is what it reminds me of. My Lion’s head rabbit is white and fluffy, super cute too. The colorful bedding is easy for me to brush off her coat. It does make her look like she ran through a confetti dispenser☺️. It is excellent at absorbing the wee wee smell. My boyfriend loves it, as his nose is very good at pick up smells. He has never smelled anything from her bun bun condo. The photo with the brown bedding is from where we adopted her ☺️
Ksantos (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have tried so many brands of litter bedding and the carefresh brand is the best. It doesnt smell, it absorbs well, its natural and most importantly the bunnies love it as their paws arent bothered by it
Harley (verified owner) –
My fosters have loved this bedding, especially the short haired buns. I tried it for my lionhead and it was also great but it got stuff to his butt and he dragged it out the potty box but besides that it did what it was supposed to do and it was absorb the pee. Would buy again.
K Ward (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I use this for my hamsters cages and is very nice, one of the cheaper brands and makes the color in the cage pop.
Shawn J (verified owner) –
I ordered this bedding for my hamster, cleaned out her cage and opened the bag to put the bedding in and it was not soft at all! She would not go in at all.
Anna K (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I foster hamsters for a local rescue and I am the type of person who loves themes. The colors always make for such a fun layout and since I use an entire bag when filling up the tank to make sure that there is enough bedding, the price is good as well!
Lulu bird (verified owner) –
I love the paper bedding because it doesn’t stick to my long haired hamster little behind.
JJ4512 (verified owner) –
My 2 cute little babies: Sullivan and Othello (guinea pigs) absolutely love this bedding. At first we were unsure as it is expensive but it is definitely worth it! Its so nice seeing some colour in their cage and
Amyk (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love the paper bedding it is less messy then the wood shaves
Momo (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My Guinea pigs Chip n Dip deserve the best.I keep their cages super clean so price is important.
Bunniesandhammies (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I can confidentlly say this is my absolute favorite small pet bedding. I have been using it for years. My bunnies and hamsters love it. It is not dusty it soaks up all liquids and leaves absolutey no smell. And very cost effective!
Snowball (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is the only bedding we use for our hamster and the only bedding we will get for him because he loves it so much
Anna K (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I foster hamsters for a local rescue and I am the type of person who loves themes. The colors always make for such a fun layout and since I use an entire bag when filling up the tank to make sure that there is enough bedding, the price is good as well!
Lissa427 (verified owner) –
Ever since I’ve gotten this I’ve noticed that my rats were scratching more then they usually do.. I thought maybe because it’s winter and that I only bath them with water.. and then I checked their fur and I saw this!!! I’ve never seen this before and I’ve used many bedding. I’m so upset and disappointed. This was the only new thing that I’ve brought to their cage in months! And we have no other pets.. so if you buy this product make sure to freeze it for more then 24h to kill anything that in there.. I don’t want anyone to go threw what I have to..
Harley (verified owner) –
I really love using this product, it is very convenience and less messy
ChocolateandChip2022 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Chocolate & Chip, my two classroom guinea pigs LOVE Carefresh bedding to support their daily needs. The bedding helps eliminate odor, and stay fresh! Thank you for the amazing product! We love the plain for the value, but splurge for the color once in a while too!
Smallnfurryrescue (verified owner) –
I run an exotic animal rescue and I use this bedding every day- for all different kinds of animals! From hamsters to rabbits, even hedgehogs this product is perfect! I even use it to line my snake racks.
Sarandipityy (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Ive used carefresh bedding for YEARS and wouldn’t switch to any other brand. The bag is always full of the bright colored soft bedding and when my bunnies see it, they know they’re getting a decked out area! Thank You carefresh!
Minnie1018 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My mom has been using this for over 18 years now. She won’t buy any other brand, we both swear buy it. We currently have 9 guinea pigs and they all love Carefresh. It’s so soft, so comfortable, super absorbent, and keeps the odors in. This bedding seriously keeps the smell in for 2 weeks. All of my guinea pigs that I’ve had in the past loved it as well. I have nothing but good things to say about it. I’m a happy customer and so are my pets. The hamsters love to burrow in it also. You really can’t go wrong with any of Carefreshs brand beddings. I love how they have a wide selection of colors also, the holiday bedding is my favorite though. Very festive for holiday time. With me starting a guinea pig rescue also it is all I will use for the rescues as well. Thank you so much Carefresh.
Elle Figler (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I absolutely love carefresh bedding, it nice and fluffy and my hamster makes the best tunnels in it! If I had to pick a favorite carefresh it’s hard cause I love the original as it’s easy to see what messes are made to clean, but the fun colors are so cute and are so fun to theme around like the holiday one makes me feel like i’m celebrating with him!! Overall love all the bedding!!
Jess (verified owner) –
I’ve been using carefresh for years now. I love the special edition colors, they give my rats cage and extra level of cool. I also love the product itself. It acts as a toy for my babies not just bedding.
Brandi (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbits love this. It adds color to their setup and is dust free.
loppybuns (verified owner) –
I love that this a safe product to use for my bunny, helps eliminate odor and keeps my bunnies clean.
Bunniesandhammies (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I can confidentlly say this is my absolute favorite small pet bedding. I have been using it for years. My bunnies and hamsters love it. It is not dusty it soaks up all liquids and leaves absolutey no smell. And very cost effective!
Harley (verified owner) –
My fosters have loved this bedding, especially the short haired buns. I tried it for my lionhead and it was also great but it got stuff to his butt and he dragged it out the potty box but besides that it did what it was supposed to do and it was absorb the pee. Would buy again.
ab1521 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My gerbil love to burrow and fill their hides with Carefresh, I love getting the special edition colors to liven up their cage.
Mistywaterwoman (verified owner) –
I use CareFresh Sea Glass in my hamster’s enclosure. The colors are amazing, there’s no dust, and it hold her burrows well.
Lex98 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My bun bun and I absolutely love these products! Not only is it odor resistant but they have such cute themed beddings as well!
Lindsloo (verified owner) –
My hamster loves his bedding. It’s perfect for burrowing and we love the colors! It makes it so much more fun!
Maryellie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Me and my hamster’s absolutely love this bedding! It is so soft and not dusty at all,tiles burrows well and soaks up all liquids! I have two hamsters one Syrian as well as a robo and I can confidently say this is their favorite bedding and they love burrowing in it!
Krile (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The Guinea Pigs are kept dry and cozy in this bedding. Soft and absorbent. The humans like the color blend and convenience.
Amplify222 (verified owner) –
We only use carefresh for our three guinea pigs. Love it
Ksantos (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have tried so many brands of litter bedding and the carefresh brand is the best. It doesnt smell, it absorbs well, its natural and most importantly the bunnies love it as their paws arent bothered by it
Speedy (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Looks great and keeps my daughters dwarf hamsters cage smelling clean for a few weeks at least!
Betsy (verified owner) –
I love the colors ! The material is very soft. My bedding last about a week. ( which is amazing )
Bunnyhouse2023 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My bunnies simply toss out any other bedding out of their litter box. They are free roaming and when they jump out of their litter box the bedding doesn’t stick to their fur. Dust free and odor free just like it says. Highly recommend when you have bunnies with allergies it helps tremendously.
deanne926 (verified owner) –
Works really goowould use all the time it’s just a little expensive for my budget
Stilts (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters love this colorful bedding. It is perfect to make their cages fun & colorful. I like mixing multiple bags for even more color.
Tanya (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh adds that pop of color for a pretty cage but also does it’s job by controlling oder. My mice love playing and digging in this product and I love the bright clean look it gives.
Rosie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My furry family have loved the release of new carefresh colours in the UK! They look beautiful and are always a favourite material to burrow in as they hold the structure very well. They’ve been selling out fast so I’ve made sure to stock up as my mice love this substrate!
Rachelle (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Ive used this product many times for my nekkid (hairless) babies, its a joy. Sadly, my hamster died a year ago, of age, but happily, im gaining a hairless guinea pug in a week and the CareFresh is ready to go! Love the colors and quality of it.
Louise (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] What a great idea to make so many fun colors and color combinations for bedding. I love the sea glass the most. ♀️ mermaids are my fave, that is what it reminds me of. My Lion’s head rabbit is white and fluffy, super cute too. The colorful bedding is easy for me to brush off her coat. It does make her look like she ran through a confetti dispenser☺️. It is excellent at absorbing the wee wee smell. My boyfriend loves it, as his nose is very good at pick up smells. He has never smelled anything from her bun bun condo. The photo with the brown bedding is from where we adopted her ☺️
Jojo (verified owner) –
The colours are so unique and really adds a pop of color to your enclosure. It’s soft and fluffy, very safe for your hammies! I highly recommend Carefresh bedding.
fa323 (verified owner) –
My hampster loves their bedding and it’s great for their lungs very dust free
Moodlicious (verified owner) –
I just changed my hamsters bedding to this and I cannot stand the smell. It is making my whole house smell like poo. I am throwing this out and changing the bedding to something else. It’s really intolerable.
Jules (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My little Syrian hamster loves to burrow in this soft bedding. The bedding helps control odours for a long period of time (about 2 weeks). The fun colours also make it fun for me to look at!
Lindsloo (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love the product , long lasting and great colors – works great for my hammy
Jess (verified owner) –
I’ve been using carefresh for years now. I love the special edition colors, they give my rats cage and extra level of cool. I also love the product itself. It acts as a toy for my babies not just bedding.
Gonzalezfurbabiez (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pets all loved this. I used it for rabbits guinea pigs and hamsters. Love the color too.
FeeG (verified owner) –
Always keeps my pets smelling clean. Low dust n high absorbancy make cleaning a breeze.
Rocky (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] It’s difficult finding good quality bedding that is actually 99% dust free. I love that with carefresh I can trust that my hamster is well taken care of by using their bedding. Plus my hamster loves it and it is pretty economic.
Tori (verified owner) –
We have bunnies with sore hocks and this is so gentle on their feet compared to other brands.
Pony (verified owner) –
My bunny Roger loves this. He can push it around easy and make it make a bed, comes in different colours and really soft like shredded Kleenex
Tammy (verified owner) –
This is the only product that you should be using. First off it is SAFE for your little family members, it provides a clean environment for your sweet littles. Not only does it keep cages cleaner, highly absorbent but it provides enrichment as your little family members push it/ and tunnel through to their liking. Keeps your little family members clean, no smell and the colors are cute to boot!!!!
cts1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh is the only bedding I use and the only brand I trust for my guinea pigs. They are committed to the health, wellbeing, and safety of the animals they serve. And they have a strong commitment to customer service and customer satisfaction.
Vanessa (verified owner) –
I use this bedding all the time with my hamster and she loves it!
Rachel (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbits absolutely love this bedding to forage in. We mix in some treats and hay and they go absolutely crazy in it!
deanne926 (verified owner) –
Works really goowould use all the time it’s just a little expensive for my budget
Betsy (verified owner) –
I love the colors ! The material is very soft. My bedding last about a week. ( which is amazing )
Harley (verified owner) –
I really love using this product, it is very convenience and less messy
Nico_syrian_hamster (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamster Beppe loves the bedding it makes the enclosure look so colourful
Viridiana (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Care fresh bedding is ABSOLUTELY my most favorite bedding to use for my female Syrian I’ve used other brands and none have held the burrows and kept away the smell as well as carefresh the ADORABLE colors of the bedding are so cute! This bedding is definitely a bang for your buck. An amazing additive to my composting pile as well!! ❤️
Kathy1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters love to build long tunnels.
Less dusty .easy to clean.
Elise (verified owner) –
This bedding is great for hamsters and other small pets alike. I love that carefresh are always keeping things ‘fresh’ and releasing awesome coloured editions too which are also safe, and can make a hamster enclosure set up look amazing! The only thing I would like to see is a softer version of this bedding, as it can be quite coarse to the touch.
B78985 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Dust free and controls odour very well. Great value for the amount you get
Stilts (verified owner) –
I like the color combos Carefresh has including this one. I used it in my hamster cages & it’s just perfect to make their cage pretty.
charlotte (verified owner) –
My gerbil had to have this because he is allergic to sawdust. :(. This is really good.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The hams love this bedding! It’s great for burrowing in and sleeping on and it’s perfectly safe for them to pouch! Such beautiful colours and doesn’t smell AT ALL! Would definitely recommend!
Rascal (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Thank you Care Fresh for making an outstanding product. We use this for our show Guinea pigs and it show rabbit nest boxes all the animals love the soft feel of your bedding! Thanks again and keep up the great job with your products. P
Love_Tink92 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I won’t buy anything else. This stuff is the best. It’s easy to work with break/spread apart. Easy opening package. It’s super soft. It doesn’t create a odor smell when your furry friend uses the bathroom. My hamster loves it. She investigates every area, creates her burrows, stuffs her cheeks, she creates big hills lol. I always buy more then one package, more economical.
archel (verified owner) –
Carefresh is my guinea pigs’ favorite type of bedding! Its the softest and easiest to move around. They love to run around and lay in it. Its also very absorbent!
SMH loves pets (verified owner) –
I’m very glad I found this bedding it lasts a long time and helps block the scent
Amber (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We love this bedding and company so much. It’s safe for my bunnies and it’s highly absorbing. No mess at the bottom of your litter box.
Katie123 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh is my favourite brand of pet bedding to use for my hamster. It is dust free and there are so many colours to choose from. Living in the uk means for me that I don’t have access to many other pet bedding brands, but I don’t need to when I have care fresh. It keep the cage smelling nice and it holds burrows well. It is also good value for money as their is so much packed into one bag!
Herbieandbutterscotch (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have been using the bedding from carefresh for almost 10 years now, and to say I love this product is such an understatement! It is perfect, I use it in my hamster cages and it is such a good bedding for burrows. My bunnies love it in their litter and it is so absorbent and never leaves a mess behind! I 100% recommend all of their beddings in every colour!
Monica 24 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love this product and use it for all my small animals. It’s cleaner than other bedding and no dust. I use it for my rats, rabbits, mice , and hamsters, and have been for about 10 years. I would type more but I’m sick. I never use any other brand.
Momo (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have tried other brands but this is the best-low dust n good absorption n great price.
MelR (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbit Gomez loves how soft and dry it leaves his area, the seasonal colors are fun and makes cleaning the litter area a lot more tolerable and The value for the bag was great as well.
Powerpuffbunnies (verified owner) –
We love this type of bedding, specially for enrichment purposes. We use it for our digging boxes and drop some treats in so our bunnies can forage.
MurphyandEarl (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I’ve been using this bedding for years now, in the Sea Glass Color to be exact. It is a bit rough to be the only bedding I use, but I love the color and it is decent quality In supplement with another bedding, so I’ve use it as a pop of color and will continue to do so. I’ve never noticed it being too dusty.
Shawn J (verified owner) –
I ordered this bedding for my hamster, cleaned out her cage and opened the bag to put the bedding in and it was not soft at all! She would not go in at all.
Moodlicious (verified owner) –
I just changed my hamsters bedding to this and I cannot stand the smell. It is making my whole house smell like poo. I am throwing this out and changing the bedding to something else. It’s really intolerable.
Pink bubbles (verified owner) –
I love this bedding it is so soft, dust free , encourages natural behaviour to dig , , compressed for easy storage, good value for the amount you get.
Oswald (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I’ve been using the Carefresh pet bedding for over 5 years and my Rabbits and Guinea Pigs love it.
Kylee (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love carefresh and all the colors available. It’s not as soft as I wished it was but it’s still a really great product!
GabbyG (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My guinea pig is always very comfortable in this. It does not smell and looks nice as well.
Lionhead4u (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I used this product for my lionhead bunny, I did make the mistake of buying blue for 6 months and dyed him blue, so I’ve switched to natural colors. But it keeps him fresh and takes away the smell.
candice_delo (verified owner) –
I love CareFresh products, the colorful bedding is the softest and safest bedding for my mice and rabbits. The price is on point for the product you get, and the best part is there is little to no dust that typically occurs when cleaning your pets litter area. I would recommend this product to anyone who has small pets or to mix in with the normal litter of larger animals.
Kathy the crazy bug lady (verified owner) –
Very pleased with this product. A little goes a long way, there’s no odor or dust and the colorful flecks add interest to my pet’s home.
Tenrecmama2022 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My tenrecs love to burrow in their bedding and it’s so soft. If I change it to something else it’s like they automatically know. I looove all of the different colors. That is what attracted me to Carefresh and of course the price as well!
Skiey1998 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I’ve used carefresh woth my hamsters for a long time and it’s my favorite colorful bedding. It stays vibrant and is good on odors.
Kayy (verified owner) –
I’ve used carefresh on and off for around 5-6 years and ultimately it’s come out as my favorite. I love the unscented natural and white color, but I love how they have so many options! Their bedding is also one of the best I’ve used to get less dust. There are softer brands but it also kinda depends on what animal you have. This works great for me!
Emma (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Using the different carefresh colours in themed enclosures is something i love doing. The sea glass one looked so lovely in my sea theme and blue themed enclosurea
Ashley (verified owner) –
I will never buy any type of bedding. It’s mess free and convenient how packed it Is in a bag.
Tammy (verified owner) –
This is the only product that you should be using. First off it is SAFE for your little family members, it provides a clean environment for your sweet littles. Not only does it keep cages cleaner, highly absorbent but it provides enrichment as your little family members push it/ and tunnel through to their liking. Keeps your little family members clean, no smell and the colors are cute to boot!!!!
Tanya (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh adds that pop of color for a pretty cage but also does it’s job by controlling oder. My mice love playing and digging in this product and I love the bright clean look it gives.
Chelsdev (verified owner) –
I absolutely love care fresh bedding for my two rabbits. It keeps their space clean and odour free. My kids love that it comes in all the fun colours!
Brandi (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbits love this. It adds color to their setup and is dust free.
Sarandipityy (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Ive used carefresh bedding for YEARS and wouldn’t switch to any other brand. The bag is always full of the bright colored soft bedding and when my bunnies see it, they know they’re getting a decked out area! Thank You carefresh!
Elise (verified owner) –
Carefresh special edition colours are an amazing addition to their usual range and mean you can create some amazing set ups for small pets like hamsters that are safe for them! Love the variety, value and comfort for my hamsters
Kim67 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This works great for all those tunnels my gerbils make. It’s dust free too!
Stormy (verified owner) –
I have tried every kind of bedding out there and I love this bedding it’s the best and all the different colors is amazing
Heimlich (verified owner) –
My pets are loving these adorable colors and I’m loving the quality. This is the only bedding I use and I have tried all the others and none even come close. They absorb liquid, smell is non existent and the colors are so delightful!
Pony (verified owner) –
My bunny Roger loves this. He can push it around easy and make it make a bed, comes in different colours and really soft like shredded Kleenex
Anonymous (verified owner) –
ggerland (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] my hamster only likes this bedding! it’s the only kind i’ve found that isn’t dusty and actually traps odors! with other brands i found myself needing to do deep cleans much more often. but, with carefresh, i have peace of mind knowing my hamsters cage is clean for longer!
Elle Figler (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I absolutely love carefresh bedding, it nice and fluffy and my hamster makes the best tunnels in it! If I had to pick a favorite carefresh it’s hard cause I love the original as it’s easy to see what messes are made to clean, but the fun colors are so cute and are so fun to theme around like the holiday one makes me feel like i’m celebrating with him!! Overall love all the bedding!!
Reese26 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love this product for my guinea. Keeps the cage fresh untill its cage cleaning time. Plus the colors are so cute!
Lionhead4u (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I used this product for my lionhead bunny, I did make the mistake of buying blue for 6 months and dyed him blue, so I’ve switched to natural colors. But it keeps him fresh and takes away the smell.
Mistywaterwoman (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Nobody has better colored bedding than Carefresh. I am especially impressed with their mixed colors like Sea Glass. So pretty in the tank! I love the solid colors, too. I miss the solid green. It was perfect for my garden theme.
JJ4512 (verified owner) –
My 2 cute little babies: Sullivan and Othello (guinea pigs) absolutely love this bedding. At first we were unsure as it is expensive but it is definitely worth it! Its so nice seeing some colour in their cage and
Moni (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Have used csrefresh special addition colored paper bedding for a little over 9 yesrs now and I plan to continue using it for as long as we have snall animals, we use it for out rabbits’ litter boxes, our rats’ litter box, and it’s most od the bedding we use I’d both our hamster and mice enclosures.
Emma (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Absolutely love the sea glass colour, it has made my sea theme for my hamster tank enclosure look so much better
Ashley (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters are in love with the bedding I’m on my 3rd hamster that I’ve owned over the years and they have always loved carefresh it’s never irritated them.
Rosie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The only improvement I could suggest, is offering larger bales! I go through lots of carefresh because the pets absolutely love it. It’s perfect for my mice with a sensitive respiratory system because of how low the dust is, and they all love to burrow in it! The special colour options they have also make their cages look so much brighter and more interesting.
cts1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh is the only bedding I use and the only brand I trust for my guinea pigs. They are committed to the health, wellbeing, and safety of the animals they serve. And they have a strong commitment to customer service and customer satisfaction.
Connil (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Works very well and the prices are much better than others. Highly recommend! I use for my 2 guinea pigs
Nicky (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My two hamsters S’mores & August loves the colored bedding.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is my favorite one because of the colors and the way it looks and I just love it so much and so do my hamsters
Oswald (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I’ve been using the Carefresh pet bedding for over 5 years and my Rabbits and Guinea Pigs love it.
Moni (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Have used csrefresh special addition colored paper bedding for a little over 9 yesrs now and I plan to continue using it for as long as we have snall animals, we use it for out rabbits’ litter boxes, our rats’ litter box, and it’s most od the bedding we use I’d both our hamster and mice enclosures.
Stephanie 91 (verified owner) –
My pets don’t cough with this product and enjoy playing in it
Rascal (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Thank you Care Fresh for making an outstanding product. We use this for our show Guinea pigs and it show rabbit nest boxes all the animals love the soft feel of your bedding! Thanks again and keep up the great job with your products. P
Rosie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The only improvement I could suggest, is offering larger bales! I go through lots of carefresh because the pets absolutely love it. It’s perfect for my mice with a sensitive respiratory system because of how low the dust is, and they all love to burrow in it! The special colour options they have also make their cages look so much brighter and more interesting.
Kylee (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love carefresh and all the colors available. It’s not as soft as I wished it was but it’s still a really great product!
Loginknauf (verified owner) –
I love Carefresh, it’s the highest quality bedding you can get. I especially like using it if my Guinea pigs are sick. The white bedding helps me monitor their bathroom habits and the soft bedding keeps them cozy.
Scabbers (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Assorted colors which makes it easy to change color schemes never boring.
Lisha (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I absolutely love all the different colors offered,especially the holiday ones! My daughter loves being able to change up her hamsters 40 gallon breeder tank to her liking each bedding change. Turbo LOVES being able to bury to his little hearts content
Bunsof2020 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My buns love the white paper bedding, they like to take naps in their litter box, but I love white because I can track the color of their pee, I also like it cause it really cuts down on the smell
Patch (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pets all loved this. I used it for rabbits guinea pigs and hamsters. Love the color too.
Love_Tink92 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My newly purchased hamster loves this stuff. She nestles into it and creates her own space and burrows.
EStone1994 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is a must for my guinea pig friends. I use it for the litter tray and under the hay to soak up any mess. This product saves time washing blankets and keeps my friends fresh for longer!
Amyk (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love the paper bedding it is less messy then the wood shaves
Lulu bird (verified owner) –
I love the paper bedding because it doesn’t stick to my long haired hamster little behind.
Moodlicious (verified owner) –
I just changed my hamsters bedding to this and I cannot stand the smell. It is making my whole house smell like poo. I am throwing this out and changing the bedding to something else. It’s really intolerable.
K Ward (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I use this for my hamsters cages and is very nice, one of the cheaper brands and makes the color in the cage pop.
Kim67 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This works great for all those tunnels my gerbils make. It’s dust free too!
cts1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Sea Glass edition is my overall favorite Carefresh bedding! It’s such a pretty color and has amazing absorbency. My hamster’s cage pan is blue, so Sea Glass bedding really pulls it together! 10/10!
Tanya (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My mice absolutely love carefresh! The bigger pieces make it fun and easy to carry and build amazing tunnels and hides. Sometimes though it’s just fun to use carefresh to block the openings to a hide and keep others out! Lol For me personally I like carefresh for the colors. Creating cool, bright or holiday themed cages is fun to do and of course the mice like the dust free formula and oder control that allows me to clean less and let them enjoy their master pieces they create a bit longer.
Lissa427 (verified owner) –
Ever since I’ve gotten this I’ve noticed that my rats were scratching more then they usually do.. I thought maybe because it’s winter and that I only bath them with water.. and then I checked their fur and I saw this!!! I’ve never seen this before and I’ve used many bedding. I’m so upset and disappointed. This was the only new thing that I’ve brought to their cage in months! And we have no other pets.. so if you buy this product make sure to freeze it for more then 24h to kill anything that in there.. I don’t want anyone to go threw what I have to..
Kayy (verified owner) –
I’ve used carefresh on and off for around 5-6 years and ultimately it’s come out as my favorite. I love the unscented natural and white color, but I love how they have so many options! Their bedding is also one of the best I’ve used to get less dust. There are softer brands but it also kinda depends on what animal you have. This works great for me!
Lex98 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My bun bun and I absolutely love these products! Not only is it odor resistant but they have such cute themed beddings as well!
Ms Piggie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My first pet when I was eight, was a Guinea pig. Tootles and I were best friends. Back then bedding was cedar shavings. Now they offer ‘designer’ bedding ! Soft and comfy and colors too. It is so nice to handle when cleaning her ‘home’ and the colors make it fun. And why not ! Great marketing.. It’s also easy to pick up the pieces that occasionally Fly out when Popcorning ..
Simba1221 (verified owner) –
Bought this last month, it’s our usual brand for our hamsters bedding. Finally opened the bag and it’s got a very sickening throw up type smell. You can not ignore the odour, not sure why . the whole bag is not usable. The bag is also filled with smaller crumbled pieces than normal. Very disappointed as it was the only bedding we have at home!
Speedy (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Looks great and keeps my daughters dwarf hamsters cage smelling clean for a few weeks at least!
Foutz98 (verified owner) –
My bunny loves it ! And it’s dust free too and it is also controls odors too and I like the color of it.
allifro7 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have loved using carefresh bedding. It does not track as much when it comes to my lionheads and stays in the litter box more than some others I’ve used!
Paige (verified owner) –
I have used Carefresh for the longest time and it is still my top choice. I love all the color variations and I only have to change the bedding, in my 20 gallon long cage, once every two weeks. Which is a very good time since it lasts longer than any other brand. I have used Carefresh for every small animal I have had. Which include: Guinea pigs, hamsters, and gerbils.
Bunnyhouse2023 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My bunnies simply toss out any other bedding out of their litter box. They are free roaming and when they jump out of their litter box the bedding doesn’t stick to their fur. Dust free and odor free just like it says. Highly recommend when you have bunnies with allergies it helps tremendously.
Tori (verified owner) –
We have bunnies with sore hocks and this is so gentle on their feet compared to other brands.
Viridiana (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Care fresh bedding is ABSOLUTELY my most favorite bedding to use for my female Syrian I’ve used other brands and none have held the burrows and kept away the smell as well as carefresh the ADORABLE colors of the bedding are so cute! This bedding is definitely a bang for your buck. An amazing additive to my composting pile as well!! ❤️
Savannah (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] As a young student raising two rabbits finding cheaper products for my rabbits is something I always look for, however as I’ve learned that these products are not the best quality and/or safe my rabbits. I’ve tried and look into several beddings for my rabbits but they were not safe if they had accidentally eaten them, and a lot of them were not dust free if my rabbits were nudging their noses into it. My rabbits are also very stubborn so if they don’t like something it’s very know- however when they do enjoy something they express it. They like to burrow in their beddings as they find it really comfy and it’s very absorbing if they decided to use it as a litter. I recommend for all small animal owners!
Paige (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have tried out many different brands of small animal bedding and this is by far the best one. It has great odor control and it comes in enjoyable colors. The sizing of the bags is perfect, and my gerbils have an easy time burrowing into this bedding. 10/10 recommend this bedding.
Ms Piggie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My first pet when I was eight, was a Guinea pig. Tootles and I were best friends. Back then bedding was cedar shavings. Now they offer ‘designer’ bedding ! Soft and comfy and colors too. It is so nice to handle when cleaning her ‘home’ and the colors make it fun. And why not ! Great marketing.. It’s also easy to pick up the pieces that occasionally Fly out when Popcorning ..
Emma (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love all the colour options! Makes it super easy to decorate my Guinea pigs cage for the holidays!
Momo (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have tried other brands but this is the best-low dust n good absorption n great price.
Mistywaterwoman (verified owner) –
I use CareFresh Sea Glass in my hamster’s enclosure. The colors are amazing, there’s no dust, and it hold her burrows well.
Simba1221 (verified owner) –
Bought this last month, it’s our usual brand for our hamsters bedding. Finally opened the bag and it’s got a very sickening throw up type smell. You can not ignore the odour, not sure why . the whole bag is not usable. The bag is also filled with smaller crumbled pieces than normal. Very disappointed as it was the only bedding we have at home!
Camcask (verified owner) –
I love the pop of color from the bedding for our ferrets! Even if we are only able to get the brown package when they are out of the colored at our local store, they still love romping around in it
Skiey1998 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I’ve used carefresh woth my hamsters for a long time and it’s my favorite colorful bedding. It stays vibrant and is good on odors.
cts1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have used multiple versions of Carefresh bedding over the past 5 years and it continues to be my favorite bedding brand. I appreciate its high quality and being almost dust free. It has wonderful ammonia and odor control because I can rarely smell any odors of any kind, even when it’s time to change.
Love_Tink92 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My newly purchased hamster loves this stuff. She nestles into it and creates her own space and burrows.
CryptoCandy (verified owner) –
This was this first bedding I used when I got my new piggies. The colors were so pretty, too. Now, I have a much bigger set up for the piggies, but we still use the bedding in portions of it.
Julie0808 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamster, Custard, really loves this bedding. I like that it’s not dusty compared to other bedding brands, all the colors it comes in, and how affordable it is !
Jackie J (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love this product, although the last two bags I bought have a very pungent smell.
Viridiana (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Care fresh bedding is ABSOLUTELY my most favorite bedding to use for my female Syrian I’ve used other brands and none have held the burrows and kept away the smell as well as carefresh the ADORABLE colors of the bedding are so cute! This bedding is definitely a bang for your buck. An amazing additive to my composting pile as well!! ❤️
candice_delo (verified owner) –
I love CareFresh products, the colorful bedding is the softest and safest bedding for my mice and rabbits. The price is on point for the product you get, and the best part is there is little to no dust that typically occurs when cleaning your pets litter area. I would recommend this product to anyone who has small pets or to mix in with the normal litter of larger animals.
Tenrecmama2022 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My tenrecs love to burrow in their bedding and it’s so soft. If I change it to something else it’s like they automatically know. I looove all of the different colors. That is what attracted me to Carefresh and of course the price as well!
Linus101 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We have several guinea pigs and we use this bedding in their litter trays. It’s absorbent and keeps the trays smelling fresh. Our piggies genuinely love the bedding and in a pinch- we’ve used it to line the entire cage and it works like a charm. It’s easy to use and low dust for those with allergies.
Jojo (verified owner) –
The colours are so unique and really adds a pop of color to your enclosure. It’s soft and fluffy, very safe for your hammies! I highly recommend Carefresh bedding.
JodiEdge (verified owner) –
Our hamsters love this bedding. And we love the color options.
Connil (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Works very well and the prices are much better than others. Highly recommend! I use for my 2 guinea pigs
Zoey (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Always loved it and my pets do too it’s soft and comfy
Momo (verified owner) –
My Guinea pigs Chip n Dip pee n poop a lot -this bedding keeps them dry n odor free
charlotte (verified owner) –
My gerbil had to have this because he is allergic to sawdust. :(. This is really good.
Mistywaterwoman (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Nobody has better colored bedding than Carefresh. I am especially impressed with their mixed colors like Sea Glass. So pretty in the tank! I love the solid colors, too. I miss the solid green. It was perfect for my garden theme.
Rachelle (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Ive used this product many times for my nekkid (hairless) babies, its a joy. Sadly, my hamster died a year ago, of age, but happily, im gaining a hairless guinea pug in a week and the CareFresh is ready to go! Love the colors and quality of it.
Molly (verified owner) –
This pet bedding is so beautiful, honestly I get excited to clean my bunny’s cage because I get to pick a new color each time! It makes her cage look so festive and cute! It makes me smile and people always comment on how pretty it is and how there is no pet oder! It’s super absorbent, easy to use, easy to clean and so fun to look at! Highly recommend!
Shawn J (verified owner) –
I ordered this bedding for my hamster, cleaned out her cage and opened the bag to put the bedding in and it was not soft at all! She would not go in at all.
Fufu (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Fufu loves this bedding! Easy to clean up and comes in lots of fun colours!
Elise (verified owner) –
This bedding is great for hamsters and other small pets alike. I love that carefresh are always keeping things ‘fresh’ and releasing awesome coloured editions too which are also safe, and can make a hamster enclosure set up look amazing! The only thing I would like to see is a softer version of this bedding, as it can be quite coarse to the touch.
Pony (verified owner) –
My bunny Roger loves this. He can push it around easy and make it make a bed, comes in different colours and really soft like shredded Kleenex
Emma (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Using the different carefresh colours in themed enclosures is something i love doing. The sea glass one looked so lovely in my sea theme and blue themed enclosurea
Amanda C (verified owner) –
We have enjoyed using Carefresh bedding for our hamsters for the past 3 years. The bedding fluffs up nicely once it is out of the package and really keeps odors down. There are so many fun color combinations to choose from too!
Vanessa (verified owner) –
I use this bedding all the time with my hamster and she loves it!
jayden (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] love this brand for adding different colors to my hamsters setups !!
Minnie1018 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My mom has been using this for over 18 years now. She won’t buy any other brand, we both swear buy it. We currently have 9 guinea pigs and they all love Carefresh. It’s so soft, so comfortable, super absorbent, and keeps the odors in. This bedding seriously keeps the smell in for 2 weeks. All of my guinea pigs that I’ve had in the past loved it as well. I have nothing but good things to say about it. I’m a happy customer and so are my pets. The hamsters love to burrow in it also. You really can’t go wrong with any of Carefreshs brand beddings. I love how they have a wide selection of colors also, the holiday bedding is my favorite though. Very festive for holiday time. With me starting a guinea pig rescue also it is all I will use for the rescues as well. Thank you so much Carefresh.
Rascal Robos (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We’ve been buying the carefresh natural pet bedding for our hammies since day 1 and have been happy ever since! No dust or allergies and their cage stays fresher, longer!
Debra (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbits and hamsters really enjoy this bedding. I have experimented with various brands, but none of them were satisfactory. I have decided to exclusively use Carefresh because it is the best bedding available.❤️ ❤️
jayden (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] love this brand for adding different colors to my hamsters setups !!
Amplify222 (verified owner) –
We only use carefresh for our three guinea pigs. Love it
Rosie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My furry family have loved the release of new carefresh colours in the UK! They look beautiful and are always a favourite material to burrow in as they hold the structure very well. They’ve been selling out fast so I’ve made sure to stock up as my mice love this substrate!
Amber (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We love this bedding and company so much. It’s safe for my bunnies and it’s highly absorbing. No mess at the bottom of your litter box.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
My little hammy, Gizmo, and I love this product so much! It’s the best! Not only is this aesthetically pleasing it is also functional. I don’t have to worry about Gizmo’s health or happiness because Carefresh products are dust free, odor free, very absorbent to keep her home clean, and very soft for her comfort. I HIGHLY recommend Carefresh products!
cts1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have used multiple versions of Carefresh bedding over the past 5 years and it continues to be my favorite bedding brand. I appreciate its high quality and being almost dust free. It has wonderful ammonia and odor control because I can rarely smell any odors of any kind, even when it’s time to change.
Rosie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pets always enjoy carefresh bedding, it’s cosy; soft and easy to burrow in. I’ve been loving the new bedding colours available in the UK – the purple one was released just in time for Halloween!
Kelley7274 (verified owner) –
Very absorbent and keeps odors down. My Guinea pig likes this brand the best.
SMH loves pets (verified owner) –
I’m very glad I found this bedding it lasts a long time and helps block the scent
Kimkim24 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My eldest gerbil, Stitch is very sensitive. This is the only bedding I get for the tank. It is dust free and easy for my boys to make tunnels.
Ashley (verified owner) –
I will never buy any type of bedding. It’s mess free and convenient how packed it Is in a bag.
Stilts (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters love this colorful bedding. It is perfect to make their cages fun & colorful. I like mixing multiple bags for even more color.
Hamster lover (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this bedding and so does my hamster. This seems to be the only bedding he will actually burrow in. I love the selection of fun colors.
alanabear325 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] my hamster seems to enjoy getting all cozy inside his betting, he is living a happy healthy life
pari (verified owner) –
My dwarf and syrian hamsters both love this bedding and it is really soft. I’m glad that it is not as dusty as some other brands of paper bedding i’ve tried!
Jade (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love Carefresh because it is 99% dust free, and keeps down odors in my rats’ enclosure. Rats have very sensitive respiratory system, so there are some beddings that are straight up toxic for them! Carefresh does not use any harmful chemicals in their product. In addition to my rats’ health, I also worry about the health of the environment. Carefresh is made from wood, pulp, and paper diverted from the landfill, so they get a second chance, just like my rescued rats! Did I mention it’s also biodegradable? With Carefresh, I get peace of mind.
Kay R (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Works great! Super absorb and smells really fresh!
B78985 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Dust free and controls odour very well. Great value for the amount you get
Monica15 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] we have used Carefresh since maybe 2015 or 2016 and we’ve tried other we’ve come across them but carefresh was the 1st we’ve ever tried and since then no other beddings come close to what we need, the softness, the absorbentness, the way how it never seems to be dusty anf the fact it comes in many different colors and I hope more come but, I’d have some cute ideas as to new color varieties haha, but as we’ve tried new things none of them seem to be as good as Carefresh, we use it for our mice, hamsters, we used it for our rats when we had them and we have it in my rabbits litter boxes (they get the whole bedroom and we can’t use carefresh in the whole room so the rest is blankets on top of baby foam mats but I bet we COULD use carefresh if we didn’t mind the mess hahaha
Hailey (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Both my pets and I adore all the color options for this paper bedding and we love to get the special edition packs when they come out, they work perfect for our cage themes! The low to no dust is fantastic to protect little lungs!
Scabbers (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Assorted colors which makes it easy to change color schemes never boring.
GabbyG (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My guinea pig is always very comfortable in this. It does not smell and looks nice as well.
Harley (verified owner) –
My fosters have loved this bedding, especially the short haired buns. I tried it for my lionhead and it was also great but it got stuff to his butt and he dragged it out the potty box but besides that it did what it was supposed to do and it was absorb the pee. Would buy again.
NormandBea (verified owner) –
I love how effective this bedding is and I use for both my rabbits’ litter boxes. The paper absorbs liquids and masks any odours that may occur. It’s also a color that is easily distinguishable from my rabbits’ poop so I can still keep track of how regular they are.
The only thing is that one of my rabbits likes to kick it up and leaves a bit of a mess, but its little trouble too clean up!
Jess (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is the best bedding I have ever used. It has very minimal dust if any. My mice love making tunnels and nests it easily moved around . I love all the colors. I use a different color every month. It’s so much fun putting a new theme around the color I get. The clean up is easy. No smell even when it stills longer than it should. I recommend this product when I can.
Tammy (verified owner) –
This is the only product that you should be using. First off it is SAFE for your little family members, it provides a clean environment for your sweet littles. Not only does it keep cages cleaner, highly absorbent but it provides enrichment as your little family members push it/ and tunnel through to their liking. Keeps your little family members clean, no smell and the colors are cute to boot!!!!
GabbyG (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My guinea pig is always very comfortable in this. It does not smell and looks nice as well.
EStone1994 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is a must for my guinea pig friends. I use it for the litter tray and under the hay to soak up any mess. This product saves time washing blankets and keeps my friends fresh for longer!
JodiEdge (verified owner) –
Our hamsters love this bedding. And we love the color options.
K Ward (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I use this for my hamsters cages and is very nice, one of the cheaper brands and makes the color in the cage pop.
Alysslolg (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My family and I have had several hamsters over the years. I saw great things about Carefresh online, and decided to try the bedding for our newest friend, Cheeto. We LOVE this bedding! The colors are so cute, but it’s also durable and safe for my hamster. I also find that it makes spot cleaning easy, and my hamster loves moving it around his different snuggle / sleeping spots. It’s also great for his burrowing, and for me to hide seeds for him to find.
Stormy (verified owner) –
I have tried every kind of bedding out there and I love this bedding it’s the best and all the different colors is amazing
Hamster lover (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this bedding and so does my hamster. This seems to be the only bedding he will actually burrow in. I love the selection of fun colors.
Gonzalez_furbabies (verified owner) –
We of course love this product because it takes care of the odor and smell and on top of that it also looks good and comes in different colors. Having a household full of pets and kids. They like to have lots of colorful things and having these in their cages of their hamsters, guinea, pigs, rabbits etc. Only excites them more
Vickie98 (verified owner) –
My guinea piggie loves this bedding! Its soft, 100% dust free and seems to be very very comfortable for her little feet, plus I love the different colors! You can choose, most importantly it is very absorbent, and definitely can last up to 10 days, carefresh Is one of better brands and the most affordable which I love.
NormandBea (verified owner) –
I love how effective this bedding is and I use for both my rabbits’ litter boxes. The paper absorbs liquids and masks any odours that may occur. It’s also a color that is easily distinguishable from my rabbits’ poop so I can still keep track of how regular they are.
The only thing is that one of my rabbits likes to kick it up and leaves a bit of a mess, but its little trouble too clean up!
Ali32 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is the only bedding/ toilet paper we will use for our rabbit as it absorbs all the smell and is good for digging too. It also lasts for a decent amount of time as it’s compressed in the bag xx
Reese26 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love this product for my guinea. Keeps the cage fresh untill its cage cleaning time. Plus the colors are so cute!
Lissa427 (verified owner) –
Ever since I’ve gotten this I’ve noticed that my rats were scratching more then they usually do.. I thought maybe because it’s winter and that I only bath them with water.. and then I checked their fur and I saw this!!! I’ve never seen this before and I’ve used many bedding. I’m so upset and disappointed. This was the only new thing that I’ve brought to their cage in months! And we have no other pets.. so if you buy this product make sure to freeze it for more then 24h to kill anything that in there.. I don’t want anyone to go threw what I have to..
archel (verified owner) –
Carefresh is my guinea pigs’ favorite type of bedding! Its the softest and easiest to move around. They love to run around and lay in it. Its also very absorbent!
Rosie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pets always enjoy carefresh bedding, it’s cosy; soft and easy to burrow in. I’ve been loving the new bedding colours available in the UK – the purple one was released just in time for Halloween!
ggerland (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] my hamster only likes this bedding! it’s the only kind i’ve found that isn’t dusty and actually traps odors! with other brands i found myself needing to do deep cleans much more often. but, with carefresh, i have peace of mind knowing my hamsters cage is clean for longer!
Katie123 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this bedding it has no outstanding scent, is not dusty and makes my cage look so colourful. It is great value for money and very absorbent. Recommend this bedding highly
Smallnfurryrescue (verified owner) –
I run an exotic animal rescue and I use this bedding every day- for all different kinds of animals! From hamsters to rabbits, even hedgehogs this product is perfect! I even use it to line my snake racks.
wally212 (verified owner) –
Cutest colors and so comfy. By hamsters have always also makes the cage look cute!
Jane (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Perfect for rabbits and small animals i use it as litter works awesome
Rascal Robos (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We’ve been buying the carefresh natural pet bedding for our hammies since day 1 and have been happy ever since! No dust or allergies and their cage stays fresher, longer!
memorylane8 (verified owner) –
I love this for my hamster’s because it is soft and cozy for them. I also love the fun colors it comes in to add some life to their enclosure.
Jade (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love Carefresh because it is 99% dust free, and keeps down odors in my rats’ enclosure. Rats have very sensitive respiratory system, so there are some beddings that are straight up toxic for them! Carefresh does not use any harmful chemicals in their product. In addition to my rats’ health, I also worry about the health of the environment. Carefresh is made from wood, pulp, and paper diverted from the landfill, so they get a second chance, just like my rescued rats! Did I mention it’s also biodegradable? With Carefresh, I get peace of mind.
Paige (verified owner) –
I have used Carefresh for the longest time and it is still my top choice. I love all the color variations and I only have to change the bedding, in my 20 gallon long cage, once every two weeks. Which is a very good time since it lasts longer than any other brand. I have used Carefresh for every small animal I have had. Which include: Guinea pigs, hamsters, and gerbils.
Paige (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have tried out many different brands of small animal bedding and this is by far the best one. It has great odor control and it comes in enjoyable colors. The sizing of the bags is perfect, and my gerbils have an easy time burrowing into this bedding. 10/10 recommend this bedding.
Prince_Caspian_TheLionLop (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have a 3 year old Lion Lop bunny and I have only ever used care fresh bedding in his litter pan! It’s so absorbent and hides orders extremely well and I find it so easy to clean! Its really good and safe for enrichment! I like to fill a box with the bedding and hide treats in it for him to dig around in and find! And the prices are always good, and there’s usually sales and deals on the bags of bedding! I spoil my hun and always get him the fun colored ones to match his aesthetic!!
Kay R (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Works great! Super absorb and smells really fresh!
Kelley7274 (verified owner) –
Very absorbent and keeps odors down. My Guinea pig likes this brand the best.
Kimkim24 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My eldest gerbil, Stitch is very sensitive. This is the only bedding I get for the tank. It is dust free and easy for my boys to make tunnels.
Carefree (verified owner) –
It smell horrible like someone puke it will stink up the whole room if they potty it smell worst and they they smell like puke being honest
Katie123 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh is my favourite brand of pet bedding to use for my hamster. It is dust free and there are so many colours to choose from. Living in the uk means for me that I don’t have access to many other pet bedding brands, but I don’t need to when I have care fresh. It keep the cage smelling nice and it holds burrows well. It is also good value for money as their is so much packed into one bag!
Krile (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The Guinea Pigs are kept dry and cozy in this bedding. Soft and absorbent. The humans like the color blend and convenience.
Hamster lover (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this bedding and so does my hamster. This seems to be the only bedding he will actually burrow in. I love the selection of fun colors.
Danye (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pet and I love the festive colors it is just as good as the white or natural bedding. It’s a nice change to mark the different hollidays throughout the year
archel (verified owner) –
Carefresh is my guinea pigs’ favorite type of bedding! Its the softest and easiest to move around. They love to run around and lay in it. Its also very absorbent!
Prince_Caspian_TheLionLop (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have a 3 year old Lion Lop bunny and I have only ever used care fresh bedding in his litter pan! It’s so absorbent and hides orders extremely well and I find it so easy to clean! Its really good and safe for enrichment! I like to fill a box with the bedding and hide treats in it for him to dig around in and find! And the prices are always good, and there’s usually sales and deals on the bags of bedding! I spoil my hun and always get him the fun colored ones to match his aesthetic!!
Jade (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love Carefresh because it is 99% dust free, and keeps down odors in my rats’ enclosure. Rats have very sensitive respiratory system, so there are some beddings that are straight up toxic for them! Carefresh does not use any harmful chemicals in their product. In addition to my rats’ health, I also worry about the health of the environment. Carefresh is made from wood, pulp, and paper diverted from the landfill, so they get a second chance, just like my rescued rats! Did I mention it’s also biodegradable? With Carefresh, I get peace of mind.
Latte 05 (verified owner) –
My hamster and I are very pleased with the bedding.
Carefree (verified owner) –
It smell horrible like someone puke it will stink up the whole room if they potty it smell worst and they they smell like puke being honest
ChocolateandChip2022 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Chocolate & Chip, my two classroom guinea pigs LOVE Carefresh bedding to support their daily needs. The bedding helps eliminate odor, and stay fresh! Thank you for the amazing product! We love the plain for the value, but splurge for the color once in a while too!
Scabbers (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Assorted colors which makes it easy to change color schemes never boring.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is my favorite one because of the colors and the way it looks and I just love it so much and so do my hamsters
Anonymous (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The hams love this bedding! It’s great for burrowing in and sleeping on and it’s perfectly safe for them to pouch! Such beautiful colours and doesn’t smell AT ALL! Would definitely recommend!
Kimber64 (verified owner) –
I started buying this product for my guinea pig, Zelda. I use to use Pine wood but she started itching all the time. I gave this a try and she loves it. She hops around everytime I clean her cage. Not to mention all the colors you can choose from.
Fufu (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Fufu loves this bedding! Easy to clean up and comes in lots of fun colours!
butterfingerthebun (verified owner) –
My bun loves to get fresh new bedding & this has been his favorite! I like to think the different colors are like new painted walls for him
Herbieandbutterscotch (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have been using the bedding from carefresh for almost 10 years now, and to say I love this product is such an understatement! It is perfect, I use it in my hamster cages and it is such a good bedding for burrows. My bunnies love it in their litter and it is so absorbent and never leaves a mess behind! I 100% recommend all of their beddings in every colour!
fa323 (verified owner) –
My hampster loves their bedding and it’s great for their lungs very dust free
Kathy1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters love to build long tunnels.
Less dusty .easy to clean.
Emma (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Absolutely love the sea glass colour, it has made my sea theme for my hamster tank enclosure look so much better
Maddy (verified owner) –
Minimizes order. Super comfy for pets my rabbit often falls
Asleep in her litter.
Elise (verified owner) –
Carefresh special edition colours are an amazing addition to their usual range and mean you can create some amazing set ups for small pets like hamsters that are safe for them! Love the variety, value and comfort for my hamsters
Krisdez (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] It keeps the smell down in their cages. They love to play in it when I change their cages. I give them play time in the trays after I put it in.
SMH loves pets (verified owner) –
I’m very glad I found this bedding it lasts a long time and helps block the scent
Loginknauf (verified owner) –
I love Carefresh, it’s the highest quality bedding you can get. I especially like using it if my Guinea pigs are sick. The white bedding helps me monitor their bathroom habits and the soft bedding keeps them cozy.
Simba1221 (verified owner) –
Bought this last month, it’s our usual brand for our hamsters bedding. Finally opened the bag and it’s got a very sickening throw up type smell. You can not ignore the odour, not sure why . the whole bag is not usable. The bag is also filled with smaller crumbled pieces than normal. Very disappointed as it was the only bedding we have at home!
Brandi (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbits love this. It adds color to their setup and is dust free.
Mistywaterwoman (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Nobody has better colored bedding than Carefresh. I am especially impressed with their mixed colors like Sea Glass. So pretty in the tank! I love the solid colors, too. I miss the solid green. It was perfect for my garden theme.
Ksantos (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have tried so many brands of litter bedding and the carefresh brand is the best. It doesnt smell, it absorbs well, its natural and most importantly the bunnies love it as their paws arent bothered by it
Nicky (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My two hamsters S’mores & August loves the colored bedding.
B78985 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Dust free and controls odour very well. Great value for the amount you get
Prinston (verified owner) –
I bought this product two weeks ago and it helps keep smell down
alanabear325 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] my hamster seems to enjoy getting all cozy inside his betting, he is living a happy healthy life
Ashley (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters are in love with the bedding I’m on my 3rd hamster that I’ve owned over the years and they have always loved carefresh it’s never irritated them.
Andrea0852158 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] After trying various beddings for my small pets, I finally decided to give Carefresh paper bedding a go, and I couldn’t be happier with the decision. One of the standout features of this bedding is its superior absorbency. It effectively keeps moisture away from my pets, ensuring they remain dry and comfortable throughout the day and night. This feature is particularly important to me, as it helps maintain a healthy environment for my pets by reducing the risk of moisture-related issues.
butterfingerthebun (verified owner) –
My bun loves to get fresh new bedding & this has been his favorite! I like to think the different colors are like new painted walls for him
Love_Tink92 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My newly purchased hamster loves this stuff. She nestles into it and creates her own space and burrows.
Kathy the crazy bug lady (verified owner) –
Very pleased with this product. A little goes a long way, there’s no odor or dust and the colorful flecks add interest to my pet’s home.
deanne926 (verified owner) –
Works really goowould use all the time it’s just a little expensive for my budget
Jess (verified owner) –
I’ve been using carefresh for years now. I love the special edition colors, they give my rats cage and extra level of cool. I also love the product itself. It acts as a toy for my babies not just bedding.
Hamsterlover (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I absolutely love this product. I’ve tried numerous brands and types of beddings and I have to say this is my absolute favorite. It is not dusty at all,it is extremely soft and it holds burrows very well. All my hamsters absolutely love love love it.
juliagalletti (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My bunny and I love this product!! It’s super absorbant and smell free, and it’s also not nearly as messy as other bedding we have used. I put this on the bottom of her forage box and it works perfectly 🙂
Kayy (verified owner) –
I’ve used carefresh on and off for around 5-6 years and ultimately it’s come out as my favorite. I love the unscented natural and white color, but I love how they have so many options! Their bedding is also one of the best I’ve used to get less dust. There are softer brands but it also kinda depends on what animal you have. This works great for me!
Stilts (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters love this colorful bedding. It is perfect to make their cages fun & colorful. I like mixing multiple bags for even more color.
Lindsloo (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love the product , long lasting and great colors – works great for my hammy
Monica15 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] we have used Carefresh since maybe 2015 or 2016 and we’ve tried other we’ve come across them but carefresh was the 1st we’ve ever tried and since then no other beddings come close to what we need, the softness, the absorbentness, the way how it never seems to be dusty anf the fact it comes in many different colors and I hope more come but, I’d have some cute ideas as to new color varieties haha, but as we’ve tried new things none of them seem to be as good as Carefresh, we use it for our mice, hamsters, we used it for our rats when we had them and we have it in my rabbits litter boxes (they get the whole bedroom and we can’t use carefresh in the whole room so the rest is blankets on top of baby foam mats but I bet we COULD use carefresh if we didn’t mind the mess hahaha
Shihtzumom93 (verified owner) –
We have used carefree for many many years for all of our rodent family members from rats to rabbits and everything in between ! We love the fact that we can get awsome colors but not skimp on quailty. Top tier odor absorption! With no color leaching when wet ! So easy to clean up & stays fresh for awhile. Generally only have to clean rat cages once a week !!!!!!! So save your self time & money and add a little color to your furry friends homes !
Reese26 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love this product for my guinea. Keeps the cage fresh untill its cage cleaning time. Plus the colors are so cute!
cts1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have used multiple versions of Carefresh bedding over the past 5 years and it continues to be my favorite bedding brand. I appreciate its high quality and being almost dust free. It has wonderful ammonia and odor control because I can rarely smell any odors of any kind, even when it’s time to change.
Katie123 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh is my favourite brand of pet bedding to use for my hamster. It is dust free and there are so many colours to choose from. Living in the uk means for me that I don’t have access to many other pet bedding brands, but I don’t need to when I have care fresh. It keep the cage smelling nice and it holds burrows well. It is also good value for money as their is so much packed into one bag!
Bunsof2020 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My buns love the white paper bedding, they like to take naps in their litter box, but I love white because I can track the color of their pee, I also like it cause it really cuts down on the smell
Anonymous (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters really love this product and I use it weekly in their playpen! They love to dig through it to get their treats and it really absorbs the pee well! I also love the colors and the coupons help too!
Gonzalezfurbabiez (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pets all loved this. I used it for rabbits guinea pigs and hamsters. Love the color too.
allifro7 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have loved using carefresh bedding. It does not track as much when it comes to my lionheads and stays in the litter box more than some others I’ve used!
Love_Tink92 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I won’t buy anything else. This stuff is the best. It’s easy to work with break/spread apart. Easy opening package. It’s super soft. It doesn’t create a odor smell when your furry friend uses the bathroom. My hamster loves it. She investigates every area, creates her burrows, stuffs her cheeks, she creates big hills lol. I always buy more then one package, more economical.
Lorraine23 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I foster for a Guinea pig rescue and this is the only bedding I use. It helps with oder control, dust free and soft.
Tanya (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh special edition is more than a pop of color to your little ones cage, it has great oder control and allows for my mice to burrow. There is no greater feeling of joy than seeing my babies carrying around a piece of carefresh and tucking it into that perfect spot for building.
Careful adds a fresh touch between cage cleanings without adding dust but instead brings a colorful burst of happiness to my mouse cages. Seeing them popcorning through a forest of color not only makes their heart happy but mine too! Dust free, oder controlling and FUN!!!
Heather (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hammy loves his comfy carefresh bedding. The colours are always fun and look great. Thank you
Latte 05 (verified owner) –
My hamster and I are very pleased with the bedding.
Foutz98 (verified owner) –
My bunny loves it ! And it’s dust free too and it is also controls odors too and I like the color of it.
Tanya (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh special edition is more than a pop of color to your little ones cage, it has great oder control and allows for my mice to burrow. There is no greater feeling of joy than seeing my babies carrying around a piece of carefresh and tucking it into that perfect spot for building.
Careful adds a fresh touch between cage cleanings without adding dust but instead brings a colorful burst of happiness to my mouse cages. Seeing them popcorning through a forest of color not only makes their heart happy but mine too! Dust free, oder controlling and FUN!!!
Bunniesandhammies (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I can confidentlly say this is my absolute favorite small pet bedding. I have been using it for years. My bunnies and hamsters love it. It is not dusty it soaks up all liquids and leaves absolutey no smell. And very cost effective!
MurphyandEarl (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I’ve been using this bedding for years now, in the Sea Glass Color to be exact. It is a bit rough to be the only bedding I use, but I love the color and it is decent quality In supplement with another bedding, so I’ve use it as a pop of color and will continue to do so. I’ve never noticed it being too dusty.
Lisa (verified owner) –
My guinea pig seems to love this bedding and so do I. It absorbs the urine nicely.
Julie0808 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamster, Custard, really loves this bedding. I like that it’s not dusty compared to other bedding brands, all the colors it comes in, and how affordable it is !
Nate07 (verified owner) –
This bedding is the best for all my animals compared to other bedding. Also my animals love it as well.
Debra (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbits and hamsters really enjoy this bedding. I have experimented with various brands, but none of them were satisfactory. I have decided to exclusively use Carefresh because it is the best bedding available.❤️ ❤️
JodiEdge (verified owner) –
Our hamsters love this bedding. And we love the color options.
Lovekitten16 (verified owner) –
We have 2 hamsters and this is the only one we use. We love the colours that come out.
Loginknauf (verified owner) –
I love Carefresh, it’s the highest quality bedding you can get. I especially like using it if my Guinea pigs are sick. The white bedding helps me monitor their bathroom habits and the soft bedding keeps them cozy.
Skiey1998 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I’ve used carefresh woth my hamsters for a long time and it’s my favorite colorful bedding. It stays vibrant and is good on odors.
EStone1994 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is a must for my guinea pig friends. I use it for the litter tray and under the hay to soak up any mess. This product saves time washing blankets and keeps my friends fresh for longer!
Jane (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Perfect for rabbits and small animals i use it as litter works awesome
Ali32 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is the only bedding/ toilet paper we will use for our rabbit as it absorbs all the smell and is good for digging too. It also lasts for a decent amount of time as it’s compressed in the bag xx
Jackie J (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love this product, although the last two bags I bought have a very pungent smell.
Monica 24 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love this product and use it for all my small animals. It’s cleaner than other bedding and no dust. I use it for my rats, rabbits, mice , and hamsters, and have been for about 10 years. I would type more but I’m sick. I never use any other brand.
cwarner (verified owner) –
I won’t use any other bedding! Our bunnies love this product and do not like anything else. When King S’mores and Queen Puff tell us what bedding to use, we listen! And, of course, only purple bedding will do for these two royal bunnies!
Anonymous (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The hams love this bedding! It’s great for burrowing in and sleeping on and it’s perfectly safe for them to pouch! Such beautiful colours and doesn’t smell AT ALL! Would definitely recommend!
Herbieandbutterscotch (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have been using the bedding from carefresh for almost 10 years now, and to say I love this product is such an understatement! It is perfect, I use it in my hamster cages and it is such a good bedding for burrows. My bunnies love it in their litter and it is so absorbent and never leaves a mess behind! I 100% recommend all of their beddings in every colour!
Andrea0852158 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] After trying various beddings for my small pets, I finally decided to give Carefresh paper bedding a go, and I couldn’t be happier with the decision. One of the standout features of this bedding is its superior absorbency. It effectively keeps moisture away from my pets, ensuring they remain dry and comfortable throughout the day and night. This feature is particularly important to me, as it helps maintain a healthy environment for my pets by reducing the risk of moisture-related issues.
Paige (verified owner) –
I have used Carefresh for the longest time and it is still my top choice. I love all the color variations and I only have to change the bedding, in my 20 gallon long cage, once every two weeks. Which is a very good time since it lasts longer than any other brand. I have used Carefresh for every small animal I have had. Which include: Guinea pigs, hamsters, and gerbils.
Oswald (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I’ve been using the Carefresh pet bedding for over 5 years and my Rabbits and Guinea Pigs love it.
Dlec (verified owner) –
I’ve been using this bedding for my free roam bunnies, hamsters and rats for over 2 years. We love the fun colors, and how it makes our favorite family pets homes/litter boxes smell fresh, and keeps our furry loves warm. They sleep on it, burrow into it, and make themselves sweet little forts with it. Highly recommend.
Krile (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The Guinea Pigs are kept dry and cozy in this bedding. Soft and absorbent. The humans like the color blend and convenience.
Chelsdev (verified owner) –
I absolutely love care fresh bedding for my two rabbits. It keeps their space clean and odour free. My kids love that it comes in all the fun colours!
Anonymous (verified owner) –
My little hammy, Gizmo, and I love this product so much! It’s the best! Not only is this aesthetically pleasing it is also functional. I don’t have to worry about Gizmo’s health or happiness because Carefresh products are dust free, odor free, very absorbent to keep her home clean, and very soft for her comfort. I HIGHLY recommend Carefresh products!
Hailey (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Both my pets and I adore all the color options for this paper bedding and we love to get the special edition packs when they come out, they work perfect for our cage themes! The low to no dust is fantastic to protect little lungs!
cwarner (verified owner) –
I won’t use any other bedding! Our bunnies love this product and do not like anything else. When King S’mores and Queen Puff tell us what bedding to use, we listen! And, of course, only purple bedding will do for these two royal bunnies!
Hamsterlover (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I absolutely love this product. I’ve tried numerous brands and types of beddings and I have to say this is my absolute favorite. It is not dusty at all,it is extremely soft and it holds burrows very well. All my hamsters absolutely love love love it.
Momo (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have tried other brands but this is the best-low dust n good absorption n great price.
wally212 (verified owner) –
Cutest colors and so comfy. By hamsters have always also makes the cage look cute!
Paige (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have tried out many different brands of small animal bedding and this is by far the best one. It has great odor control and it comes in enjoyable colors. The sizing of the bags is perfect, and my gerbils have an easy time burrowing into this bedding. 10/10 recommend this bedding.
Stephanie 91 (verified owner) –
My pets don’t cough with this product and enjoy playing in it
shaz21 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I use this type of bedding as the main substrate in my hamster cage. It holds burrows very well and he seems to dig through it with no struggle or hesitation. It’s so soft for his little body to sleep in and keeps him warm. It also soaks up pee really well which not a lot of beddings do. The only thing I’m not a fan of (which is why I’ve changed back to just white Carefresh,) is that you obviously can’t see the colour of your pets urine. My previous hamster had blood in her urine and I didn’t notice until I saw some on her (I wasn’t using Carefresh with her though it was a bright blue bedding from a pet shop.) So it’s only a preference thing really rather than a complaint about it. I absolutely love Carefresh and think it’s definitely worth the money… your pet will love you for it!!
cts1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Sea Glass edition is my overall favorite Carefresh bedding! It’s such a pretty color and has amazing absorbency. My hamster’s cage pan is blue, so Sea Glass bedding really pulls it together! 10/10!
Vanessa (verified owner) –
I use this bedding all the time with my hamster and she loves it!
ab1521 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My gerbil love to burrow and fill their hides with Carefresh, I love getting the special edition colors to liven up their cage.
Maddy (verified owner) –
Minimizes order. Super comfy for pets my rabbit often falls
Asleep in her litter.
Moni (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Have used csrefresh special addition colored paper bedding for a little over 9 yesrs now and I plan to continue using it for as long as we have snall animals, we use it for out rabbits’ litter boxes, our rats’ litter box, and it’s most od the bedding we use I’d both our hamster and mice enclosures.
Kimber64 (verified owner) –
I started buying this product for my guinea pig, Zelda. I use to use Pine wood but she started itching all the time. I gave this a try and she loves it. She hops around everytime I clean her cage. Not to mention all the colors you can choose from.
Maryellie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Me and my hamster’s absolutely love this bedding! It is so soft and not dusty at all,tiles burrows well and soaks up all liquids! I have two hamsters one Syrian as well as a robo and I can confidently say this is their favorite bedding and they love burrowing in it!
Rachelle (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Ive used this product many times for my nekkid (hairless) babies, its a joy. Sadly, my hamster died a year ago, of age, but happily, im gaining a hairless guinea pug in a week and the CareFresh is ready to go! Love the colors and quality of it.
Anna K (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I foster hamsters for a local rescue and I am the type of person who loves themes. The colors always make for such a fun layout and since I use an entire bag when filling up the tank to make sure that there is enough bedding, the price is good as well!
Stilts (verified owner) –
I like the color combos Carefresh has including this one. I used it in my hamster cages & it’s just perfect to make their cage pretty.
Adds (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have used all kinds of different bedding and by far Carefresh bedding has been the best bedding. It’s really absorbant and it keeps the odor to a minimum. I love the different color options too!
pari (verified owner) –
My dwarf and syrian hamsters both love this bedding and it is really soft. I’m glad that it is not as dusty as some other brands of paper bedding i’ve tried!
Krisdez (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] It keeps the smell down in their cages. They love to play in it when I change their cages. I give them play time in the trays after I put it in.
CryptoCandy (verified owner) –
This was this first bedding I used when I got my new piggies. The colors were so pretty, too. Now, I have a much bigger set up for the piggies, but we still use the bedding in portions of it.
Powerpuffbunnies (verified owner) –
We love this type of bedding, specially for enrichment purposes. We use it for our digging boxes and drop some treats in so our bunnies can forage.
Kelley7274 (verified owner) –
Very absorbent and keeps odors down. My Guinea pig likes this brand the best.
Lindsloo (verified owner) –
My hamster loves his bedding. It’s perfect for burrowing and we love the colors! It makes it so much more fun!
Mistywaterwoman (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We use Carefresh Sea Glass bedding in our hamster’s tank. The colors are amazing, and the bedding holds burrows really well.
Rachel (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbits absolutely love this bedding to forage in. We mix in some treats and hay and they go absolutely crazy in it!
Lisha (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I absolutely love all the different colors offered,especially the holiday ones! My daughter loves being able to change up her hamsters 40 gallon breeder tank to her liking each bedding change. Turbo LOVES being able to bury to his little hearts content
Rocky (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] It’s difficult finding good quality bedding that is actually 99% dust free. I love that with carefresh I can trust that my hamster is well taken care of by using their bedding. Plus my hamster loves it and it is pretty economic.
Gonzalez_furbabies (verified owner) –
We of course love this product because it takes care of the odor and smell and on top of that it also looks good and comes in different colors. Having a household full of pets and kids. They like to have lots of colorful things and having these in their cages of their hamsters, guinea, pigs, rabbits etc. Only excites them more
Mistywaterwoman (verified owner) –
I use CareFresh Sea Glass in my hamster’s enclosure. The colors are amazing, there’s no dust, and it hold her burrows well.
memorylane8 (verified owner) –
I love this for my hamster’s because it is soft and cozy for them. I also love the fun colors it comes in to add some life to their enclosure.
Danye (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pet and I love the festive colors it is just as good as the white or natural bedding. It’s a nice change to mark the different hollidays throughout the year
Smallnfurryrescue (verified owner) –
I run an exotic animal rescue and I use this bedding every day- for all different kinds of animals! From hamsters to rabbits, even hedgehogs this product is perfect! I even use it to line my snake racks.
Jules (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My little Syrian hamster loves to burrow in this soft bedding. The bedding helps control odours for a long period of time (about 2 weeks). The fun colours also make it fun for me to look at!
Carefree (verified owner) –
It smell horrible like someone puke it will stink up the whole room if they potty it smell worst and they they smell like puke being honest
Nate07 (verified owner) –
This bedding is the best for all my animals compared to other bedding. Also my animals love it as well.
Emma (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love all the colour options! Makes it super easy to decorate my Guinea pigs cage for the holidays!
Minnie1018 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My mom has been using this for over 18 years now. She won’t buy any other brand, we both swear buy it. We currently have 9 guinea pigs and they all love Carefresh. It’s so soft, so comfortable, super absorbent, and keeps the odors in. This bedding seriously keeps the smell in for 2 weeks. All of my guinea pigs that I’ve had in the past loved it as well. I have nothing but good things to say about it. I’m a happy customer and so are my pets. The hamsters love to burrow in it also. You really can’t go wrong with any of Carefreshs brand beddings. I love how they have a wide selection of colors also, the holiday bedding is my favorite though. Very festive for holiday time. With me starting a guinea pig rescue also it is all I will use for the rescues as well. Thank you so much Carefresh.
Beth2022 (verified owner) –
Perfect for my hamster snowdrop! Great for odour control and holds burrows usually get white and natural but sea glass gas my favourite colours in one 🙂
Tanya (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh adds that pop of color for a pretty cage but also does it’s job by controlling oder. My mice love playing and digging in this product and I love the bright clean look it gives.
memorylane8 (verified owner) –
I love this for my hamster’s because it is soft and cozy for them. I also love the fun colors it comes in to add some life to their enclosure.
Ashley (verified owner) –
I will never buy any type of bedding. It’s mess free and convenient how packed it Is in a bag.
Amyk (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love the paper bedding it is less messy then the wood shaves
candice_delo (verified owner) –
I love CareFresh products, the colorful bedding is the softest and safest bedding for my mice and rabbits. The price is on point for the product you get, and the best part is there is little to no dust that typically occurs when cleaning your pets litter area. I would recommend this product to anyone who has small pets or to mix in with the normal litter of larger animals.
Rachel (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbits absolutely love this bedding to forage in. We mix in some treats and hay and they go absolutely crazy in it!
Nate07 (verified owner) –
This bedding is the best for all my animals compared to other bedding. Also my animals love it as well.
Emma (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Absolutely love the sea glass colour, it has made my sea theme for my hamster tank enclosure look so much better
Heimlich (verified owner) –
My pets are loving these adorable colors and I’m loving the quality. This is the only bedding I use and I have tried all the others and none even come close. They absorb liquid, smell is non existent and the colors are so delightful!
Bunsof2020 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My buns love the white paper bedding, they like to take naps in their litter box, but I love white because I can track the color of their pee, I also like it cause it really cuts down on the smell
Lovekitten16 (verified owner) –
We have 2 hamsters and this is the only one we use. We love the colours that come out.
Kimber64 (verified owner) –
I started buying this product for my guinea pig, Zelda. I use to use Pine wood but she started itching all the time. I gave this a try and she loves it. She hops around everytime I clean her cage. Not to mention all the colors you can choose from.
FeeG (verified owner) –
Always keeps my pets smelling clean. Low dust n high absorbancy make cleaning a breeze.
Jess (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is the best bedding I have ever used. It has very minimal dust if any. My mice love making tunnels and nests it easily moved around . I love all the colors. I use a different color every month. It’s so much fun putting a new theme around the color I get. The clean up is easy. No smell even when it stills longer than it should. I recommend this product when I can.
Zoey (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Always loved it and my pets do too it’s soft and comfy
Tori (verified owner) –
We have bunnies with sore hocks and this is so gentle on their feet compared to other brands.
Tanya (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Carefresh special edition is more than a pop of color to your little ones cage, it has great oder control and allows for my mice to burrow. There is no greater feeling of joy than seeing my babies carrying around a piece of carefresh and tucking it into that perfect spot for building.
Careful adds a fresh touch between cage cleanings without adding dust but instead brings a colorful burst of happiness to my mouse cages. Seeing them popcorning through a forest of color not only makes their heart happy but mine too! Dust free, oder controlling and FUN!!!
Bunnyhouse2023 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My bunnies simply toss out any other bedding out of their litter box. They are free roaming and when they jump out of their litter box the bedding doesn’t stick to their fur. Dust free and odor free just like it says. Highly recommend when you have bunnies with allergies it helps tremendously.
Sarandipityy (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Ive used carefresh bedding for YEARS and wouldn’t switch to any other brand. The bag is always full of the bright colored soft bedding and when my bunnies see it, they know they’re getting a decked out area! Thank You carefresh!
Hailey (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Both my pets and I adore all the color options for this paper bedding and we love to get the special edition packs when they come out, they work perfect for our cage themes! The low to no dust is fantastic to protect little lungs!
jayden (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] love this brand for adding different colors to my hamsters setups !!
Jackie J (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love this product, although the last two bags I bought have a very pungent smell.
Lorraine23 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I foster for a Guinea pig rescue and this is the only bedding I use. It helps with oder control, dust free and soft.
Lex98 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My bun bun and I absolutely love these products! Not only is it odor resistant but they have such cute themed beddings as well!
Elle Figler (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I absolutely love carefresh bedding, it nice and fluffy and my hamster makes the best tunnels in it! If I had to pick a favorite carefresh it’s hard cause I love the original as it’s easy to see what messes are made to clean, but the fun colors are so cute and are so fun to theme around like the holiday one makes me feel like i’m celebrating with him!! Overall love all the bedding!!
Lovekitten16 (verified owner) –
We have 2 hamsters and this is the only one we use. We love the colours that come out.
Kylee (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love carefresh and all the colors available. It’s not as soft as I wished it was but it’s still a really great product!
Stephanie 91 (verified owner) –
My pets don’t cough with this product and enjoy playing in it
Adds (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have used all kinds of different bedding and by far Carefresh bedding has been the best bedding. It’s really absorbant and it keeps the odor to a minimum. I love the different color options too!
ab1521 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My gerbil love to burrow and fill their hides with Carefresh, I love getting the special edition colors to liven up their cage.
Momo (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My Guinea pigs Chip n Dip deserve the best.I keep their cages super clean so price is important.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is my favorite one because of the colors and the way it looks and I just love it so much and so do my hamsters
Anonymous (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters really love this product and I use it weekly in their playpen! They love to dig through it to get their treats and it really absorbs the pee well! I also love the colors and the coupons help too!
Gonzalez_furbabies (verified owner) –
We of course love this product because it takes care of the odor and smell and on top of that it also looks good and comes in different colors. Having a household full of pets and kids. They like to have lots of colorful things and having these in their cages of their hamsters, guinea, pigs, rabbits etc. Only excites them more
Elise (verified owner) –
This bedding is great for hamsters and other small pets alike. I love that carefresh are always keeping things ‘fresh’ and releasing awesome coloured editions too which are also safe, and can make a hamster enclosure set up look amazing! The only thing I would like to see is a softer version of this bedding, as it can be quite coarse to the touch.
FeeG (verified owner) –
Always keeps my pets smelling clean. Low dust n high absorbancy make cleaning a breeze.
Camcask (verified owner) –
I love the pop of color from the bedding for our ferrets! Even if we are only able to get the brown package when they are out of the colored at our local store, they still love romping around in it
Nico_syrian_hamster (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamster Beppe loves the bedding it makes the enclosure look so colourful
Kathy1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters love to build long tunnels.
Less dusty .easy to clean.
wally212 (verified owner) –
Cutest colors and so comfy. By hamsters have always also makes the cage look cute!
Rosie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My furry family have loved the release of new carefresh colours in the UK! They look beautiful and are always a favourite material to burrow in as they hold the structure very well. They’ve been selling out fast so I’ve made sure to stock up as my mice love this substrate!
Zoey (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Always loved it and my pets do too it’s soft and comfy
cwarner (verified owner) –
I won’t use any other bedding! Our bunnies love this product and do not like anything else. When King S’mores and Queen Puff tell us what bedding to use, we listen! And, of course, only purple bedding will do for these two royal bunnies!
Jules (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My little Syrian hamster loves to burrow in this soft bedding. The bedding helps control odours for a long period of time (about 2 weeks). The fun colours also make it fun for me to look at!
loppybuns (verified owner) –
I love that this a safe product to use for my bunny, helps eliminate odor and keeps my bunnies clean.
ggerland (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] my hamster only likes this bedding! it’s the only kind i’ve found that isn’t dusty and actually traps odors! with other brands i found myself needing to do deep cleans much more often. but, with carefresh, i have peace of mind knowing my hamsters cage is clean for longer!
Molly (verified owner) –
This pet bedding is so beautiful, honestly I get excited to clean my bunny’s cage because I get to pick a new color each time! It makes her cage look so festive and cute! It makes me smile and people always comment on how pretty it is and how there is no pet oder! It’s super absorbent, easy to use, easy to clean and so fun to look at! Highly recommend!
Ashley (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters are in love with the bedding I’m on my 3rd hamster that I’ve owned over the years and they have always loved carefresh it’s never irritated them.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamsters really love this product and I use it weekly in their playpen! They love to dig through it to get their treats and it really absorbs the pee well! I also love the colors and the coupons help too!
Britt (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] All of our critters love this bedding!!! We use it for our rats and piggies it’s their absolute favorite bedding. They run jump and throw it all over the place. It’s the favorite to curl up in to make their beds!
Latte 05 (verified owner) –
My hamster and I are very pleased with the bedding.
Lindsloo (verified owner) –
My hamster loves his bedding. It’s perfect for burrowing and we love the colors! It makes it so much more fun!
Snowball (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is the only bedding we use for our hamster and the only bedding we will get for him because he loves it so much
Shihtzumom93 (verified owner) –
We have used carefree for many many years for all of our rodent family members from rats to rabbits and everything in between ! We love the fact that we can get awsome colors but not skimp on quailty. Top tier odor absorption! With no color leaching when wet ! So easy to clean up & stays fresh for awhile. Generally only have to clean rat cages once a week !!!!!!! So save your self time & money and add a little color to your furry friends homes !
Chelz (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pets love this! Amazing product for burrowing and the colors are always cute.
Betsy (verified owner) –
I love the colors ! The material is very soft. My bedding last about a week. ( which is amazing )
Powerpuffbunnies (verified owner) –
We love this type of bedding, specially for enrichment purposes. We use it for our digging boxes and drop some treats in so our bunnies can forage.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Lindsloo (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love the product , long lasting and great colors – works great for my hammy
Momo (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My Guinea pigs Chip n Dip deserve the best.I keep their cages super clean so price is important.
MurphyandEarl (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I’ve been using this bedding for years now, in the Sea Glass Color to be exact. It is a bit rough to be the only bedding I use, but I love the color and it is decent quality In supplement with another bedding, so I’ve use it as a pop of color and will continue to do so. I’ve never noticed it being too dusty.
Speedy (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Looks great and keeps my daughters dwarf hamsters cage smelling clean for a few weeks at least!
Chelz (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pets love this! Amazing product for burrowing and the colors are always cute.
Heather (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hammy loves his comfy carefresh bedding. The colours are always fun and look great. Thank you
Savannah (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] As a young student raising two rabbits finding cheaper products for my rabbits is something I always look for, however as I’ve learned that these products are not the best quality and/or safe my rabbits. I’ve tried and look into several beddings for my rabbits but they were not safe if they had accidentally eaten them, and a lot of them were not dust free if my rabbits were nudging their noses into it. My rabbits are also very stubborn so if they don’t like something it’s very know- however when they do enjoy something they express it. They like to burrow in their beddings as they find it really comfy and it’s very absorbing if they decided to use it as a litter. I recommend for all small animal owners!
Prinston (verified owner) –
I bought this product two weeks ago and it helps keep smell down
Nicky (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My two hamsters S’mores & August loves the colored bedding.
fa323 (verified owner) –
My hampster loves their bedding and it’s great for their lungs very dust free
Danye (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pet and I love the festive colors it is just as good as the white or natural bedding. It’s a nice change to mark the different hollidays throughout the year
Ali32 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is the only bedding/ toilet paper we will use for our rabbit as it absorbs all the smell and is good for digging too. It also lasts for a decent amount of time as it’s compressed in the bag xx
Linus101 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We have several guinea pigs and we use this bedding in their litter trays. It’s absorbent and keeps the trays smelling fresh. Our piggies genuinely love the bedding and in a pinch- we’ve used it to line the entire cage and it works like a charm. It’s easy to use and low dust for those with allergies.
Prince_Caspian_TheLionLop (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have a 3 year old Lion Lop bunny and I have only ever used care fresh bedding in his litter pan! It’s so absorbent and hides orders extremely well and I find it so easy to clean! Its really good and safe for enrichment! I like to fill a box with the bedding and hide treats in it for him to dig around in and find! And the prices are always good, and there’s usually sales and deals on the bags of bedding! I spoil my hun and always get him the fun colored ones to match his aesthetic!!
Linus101 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We have several guinea pigs and we use this bedding in their litter trays. It’s absorbent and keeps the trays smelling fresh. Our piggies genuinely love the bedding and in a pinch- we’ve used it to line the entire cage and it works like a charm. It’s easy to use and low dust for those with allergies.
Alysslolg (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My family and I have had several hamsters over the years. I saw great things about Carefresh online, and decided to try the bedding for our newest friend, Cheeto. We LOVE this bedding! The colors are so cute, but it’s also durable and safe for my hamster. I also find that it makes spot cleaning easy, and my hamster loves moving it around his different snuggle / sleeping spots. It’s also great for his burrowing, and for me to hide seeds for him to find.
NormandBea (verified owner) –
I love how effective this bedding is and I use for both my rabbits’ litter boxes. The paper absorbs liquids and masks any odours that may occur. It’s also a color that is easily distinguishable from my rabbits’ poop so I can still keep track of how regular they are.
The only thing is that one of my rabbits likes to kick it up and leaves a bit of a mess, but its little trouble too clean up!
Beth2022 (verified owner) –
Perfect for my hamster snowdrop! Great for odour control and holds burrows usually get white and natural but sea glass gas my favourite colours in one 🙂
Louise (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] What a great idea to make so many fun colors and color combinations for bedding. I love the sea glass the most. ♀️ mermaids are my fave, that is what it reminds me of. My Lion’s head rabbit is white and fluffy, super cute too. The colorful bedding is easy for me to brush off her coat. It does make her look like she ran through a confetti dispenser☺️. It is excellent at absorbing the wee wee smell. My boyfriend loves it, as his nose is very good at pick up smells. He has never smelled anything from her bun bun condo. The photo with the brown bedding is from where we adopted her ☺️
Tenrecmama2022 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My tenrecs love to burrow in their bedding and it’s so soft. If I change it to something else it’s like they automatically know. I looove all of the different colors. That is what attracted me to Carefresh and of course the price as well!
Emma (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love all the colour options! Makes it super easy to decorate my Guinea pigs cage for the holidays!
Maddy (verified owner) –
Minimizes order. Super comfy for pets my rabbit often falls
Asleep in her litter.
Julie0808 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamster, Custard, really loves this bedding. I like that it’s not dusty compared to other bedding brands, all the colors it comes in, and how affordable it is !
juliagalletti (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My bunny and I love this product!! It’s super absorbant and smell free, and it’s also not nearly as messy as other bedding we have used. I put this on the bottom of her forage box and it works perfectly 🙂
Momo (verified owner) –
My Guinea pigs Chip n Dip pee n poop a lot -this bedding keeps them dry n odor free
Kathy the crazy bug lady (verified owner) –
Very pleased with this product. A little goes a long way, there’s no odor or dust and the colorful flecks add interest to my pet’s home.
Lissa427 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this bedding, I use it for all my animals including hamsters, bunnies, and hedgehogs. Best bedding I have used
Britt (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] All of our critters love this bedding!!! We use it for our rats and piggies it’s their absolute favorite bedding. They run jump and throw it all over the place. It’s the favorite to curl up in to make their beds!
Lorraine23 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I foster for a Guinea pig rescue and this is the only bedding I use. It helps with oder control, dust free and soft.
butterfingerthebun (verified owner) –
My bun loves to get fresh new bedding & this has been his favorite! I like to think the different colors are like new painted walls for him
Momo (verified owner) –
My Guinea pigs Chip n Dip pee n poop a lot -this bedding keeps them dry n odor free
Kimkim24 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My eldest gerbil, Stitch is very sensitive. This is the only bedding I get for the tank. It is dust free and easy for my boys to make tunnels.
Debs (verified owner) –
We love this bedding. It’s the best quality and that makes it our go to for our small pets.
Debs (verified owner) –
We love this bedding. It’s the best quality and that makes it our go to for our small pets.
Monica15 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] we have used Carefresh since maybe 2015 or 2016 and we’ve tried other we’ve come across them but carefresh was the 1st we’ve ever tried and since then no other beddings come close to what we need, the softness, the absorbentness, the way how it never seems to be dusty anf the fact it comes in many different colors and I hope more come but, I’d have some cute ideas as to new color varieties haha, but as we’ve tried new things none of them seem to be as good as Carefresh, we use it for our mice, hamsters, we used it for our rats when we had them and we have it in my rabbits litter boxes (they get the whole bedroom and we can’t use carefresh in the whole room so the rest is blankets on top of baby foam mats but I bet we COULD use carefresh if we didn’t mind the mess hahaha
Nico_syrian_hamster (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hamster Beppe loves the bedding it makes the enclosure look so colourful
Molly (verified owner) –
This pet bedding is so beautiful, honestly I get excited to clean my bunny’s cage because I get to pick a new color each time! It makes her cage look so festive and cute! It makes me smile and people always comment on how pretty it is and how there is no pet oder! It’s super absorbent, easy to use, easy to clean and so fun to look at! Highly recommend!
shaz21 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I use this type of bedding as the main substrate in my hamster cage. It holds burrows very well and he seems to dig through it with no struggle or hesitation. It’s so soft for his little body to sleep in and keeps him warm. It also soaks up pee really well which not a lot of beddings do. The only thing I’m not a fan of (which is why I’ve changed back to just white Carefresh,) is that you obviously can’t see the colour of your pets urine. My previous hamster had blood in her urine and I didn’t notice until I saw some on her (I wasn’t using Carefresh with her though it was a bright blue bedding from a pet shop.) So it’s only a preference thing really rather than a complaint about it. I absolutely love Carefresh and think it’s definitely worth the money… your pet will love you for it!!
Amanda C (verified owner) –
We have enjoyed using Carefresh bedding for our hamsters for the past 3 years. The bedding fluffs up nicely once it is out of the package and really keeps odors down. There are so many fun color combinations to choose from too!
Ms Piggie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My first pet when I was eight, was a Guinea pig. Tootles and I were best friends. Back then bedding was cedar shavings. Now they offer ‘designer’ bedding ! Soft and comfy and colors too. It is so nice to handle when cleaning her ‘home’ and the colors make it fun. And why not ! Great marketing.. It’s also easy to pick up the pieces that occasionally Fly out when Popcorning ..
Mistywaterwoman (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We use Carefresh Sea Glass bedding in our hamster’s tank. The colors are amazing, and the bedding holds burrows really well.
juliagalletti (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My bunny and I love this product!! It’s super absorbant and smell free, and it’s also not nearly as messy as other bedding we have used. I put this on the bottom of her forage box and it works perfectly 🙂
Tanya (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My mice absolutely love carefresh! The bigger pieces make it fun and easy to carry and build amazing tunnels and hides. Sometimes though it’s just fun to use carefresh to block the openings to a hide and keep others out! Lol For me personally I like carefresh for the colors. Creating cool, bright or holiday themed cages is fun to do and of course the mice like the dust free formula and oder control that allows me to clean less and let them enjoy their master pieces they create a bit longer.
Krisdez (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] It keeps the smell down in their cages. They love to play in it when I change their cages. I give them play time in the trays after I put it in.
MelR (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbit Gomez loves how soft and dry it leaves his area, the seasonal colors are fun and makes cleaning the litter area a lot more tolerable and The value for the bag was great as well.
Emma (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Using the different carefresh colours in themed enclosures is something i love doing. The sea glass one looked so lovely in my sea theme and blue themed enclosurea
Amanda C (verified owner) –
We have enjoyed using Carefresh bedding for our hamsters for the past 3 years. The bedding fluffs up nicely once it is out of the package and really keeps odors down. There are so many fun color combinations to choose from too!
Andrea0852158 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] After trying various beddings for my small pets, I finally decided to give Carefresh paper bedding a go, and I couldn’t be happier with the decision. One of the standout features of this bedding is its superior absorbency. It effectively keeps moisture away from my pets, ensuring they remain dry and comfortable throughout the day and night. This feature is particularly important to me, as it helps maintain a healthy environment for my pets by reducing the risk of moisture-related issues.
Jojo (verified owner) –
The colours are so unique and really adds a pop of color to your enclosure. It’s soft and fluffy, very safe for your hammies! I highly recommend Carefresh bedding.
Stilts (verified owner) –
I like the color combos Carefresh has including this one. I used it in my hamster cages & it’s just perfect to make their cage pretty.
Lisa (verified owner) –
My guinea pig seems to love this bedding and so do I. It absorbs the urine nicely.
Heimlich (verified owner) –
My pets are loving these adorable colors and I’m loving the quality. This is the only bedding I use and I have tried all the others and none even come close. They absorb liquid, smell is non existent and the colors are so delightful!
MelR (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbit Gomez loves how soft and dry it leaves his area, the seasonal colors are fun and makes cleaning the litter area a lot more tolerable and The value for the bag was great as well.
Lisha (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I absolutely love all the different colors offered,especially the holiday ones! My daughter loves being able to change up her hamsters 40 gallon breeder tank to her liking each bedding change. Turbo LOVES being able to bury to his little hearts content
Savannah (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] As a young student raising two rabbits finding cheaper products for my rabbits is something I always look for, however as I’ve learned that these products are not the best quality and/or safe my rabbits. I’ve tried and look into several beddings for my rabbits but they were not safe if they had accidentally eaten them, and a lot of them were not dust free if my rabbits were nudging their noses into it. My rabbits are also very stubborn so if they don’t like something it’s very know- however when they do enjoy something they express it. They like to burrow in their beddings as they find it really comfy and it’s very absorbing if they decided to use it as a litter. I recommend for all small animal owners!
Elise (verified owner) –
Carefresh special edition colours are an amazing addition to their usual range and mean you can create some amazing set ups for small pets like hamsters that are safe for them! Love the variety, value and comfort for my hamsters
Camcask (verified owner) –
I love the pop of color from the bedding for our ferrets! Even if we are only able to get the brown package when they are out of the colored at our local store, they still love romping around in it
Lisa (verified owner) –
My guinea pig seems to love this bedding and so do I. It absorbs the urine nicely.
shaz21 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I use this type of bedding as the main substrate in my hamster cage. It holds burrows very well and he seems to dig through it with no struggle or hesitation. It’s so soft for his little body to sleep in and keeps him warm. It also soaks up pee really well which not a lot of beddings do. The only thing I’m not a fan of (which is why I’ve changed back to just white Carefresh,) is that you obviously can’t see the colour of your pets urine. My previous hamster had blood in her urine and I didn’t notice until I saw some on her (I wasn’t using Carefresh with her though it was a bright blue bedding from a pet shop.) So it’s only a preference thing really rather than a complaint about it. I absolutely love Carefresh and think it’s definitely worth the money… your pet will love you for it!!
Amplify222 (verified owner) –
We only use carefresh for our three guinea pigs. Love it
Pink bubbles (verified owner) –
I love this bedding it is so soft, dust free , encourages natural behaviour to dig , , compressed for easy storage, good value for the amount you get.
allifro7 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have loved using carefresh bedding. It does not track as much when it comes to my lionheads and stays in the litter box more than some others I’ve used!
Katie123 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this bedding it has no outstanding scent, is not dusty and makes my cage look so colourful. It is great value for money and very absorbent. Recommend this bedding highly
Harley (verified owner) –
I really love using this product, it is very convenience and less messy
Love_Tink92 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I won’t buy anything else. This stuff is the best. It’s easy to work with break/spread apart. Easy opening package. It’s super soft. It doesn’t create a odor smell when your furry friend uses the bathroom. My hamster loves it. She investigates every area, creates her burrows, stuffs her cheeks, she creates big hills lol. I always buy more then one package, more economical.
Debra (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My rabbits and hamsters really enjoy this bedding. I have experimented with various brands, but none of them were satisfactory. I have decided to exclusively use Carefresh because it is the best bedding available.❤️ ❤️
Alysslolg (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My family and I have had several hamsters over the years. I saw great things about Carefresh online, and decided to try the bedding for our newest friend, Cheeto. We LOVE this bedding! The colors are so cute, but it’s also durable and safe for my hamster. I also find that it makes spot cleaning easy, and my hamster loves moving it around his different snuggle / sleeping spots. It’s also great for his burrowing, and for me to hide seeds for him to find.
Foutz98 (verified owner) –
My bunny loves it ! And it’s dust free too and it is also controls odors too and I like the color of it.
Kay R (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Works great! Super absorb and smells really fresh!
Pink bubbles (verified owner) –
I love this bedding it is so soft, dust free , encourages natural behaviour to dig , , compressed for easy storage, good value for the amount you get.
Katie123 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this bedding it has no outstanding scent, is not dusty and makes my cage look so colourful. It is great value for money and very absorbent. Recommend this bedding highly
Kim67 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This works great for all those tunnels my gerbils make. It’s dust free too!
Dlec (verified owner) –
I’ve been using this bedding for my free roam bunnies, hamsters and rats for over 2 years. We love the fun colors, and how it makes our favorite family pets homes/litter boxes smell fresh, and keeps our furry loves warm. They sleep on it, burrow into it, and make themselves sweet little forts with it. Highly recommend.
Monica 24 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love this product and use it for all my small animals. It’s cleaner than other bedding and no dust. I use it for my rats, rabbits, mice , and hamsters, and have been for about 10 years. I would type more but I’m sick. I never use any other brand.
pari (verified owner) –
My dwarf and syrian hamsters both love this bedding and it is really soft. I’m glad that it is not as dusty as some other brands of paper bedding i’ve tried!
Lulu bird (verified owner) –
I love the paper bedding because it doesn’t stick to my long haired hamster little behind.
Adds (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have used all kinds of different bedding and by far Carefresh bedding has been the best bedding. It’s really absorbant and it keeps the odor to a minimum. I love the different color options too!
Dlec (verified owner) –
I’ve been using this bedding for my free roam bunnies, hamsters and rats for over 2 years. We love the fun colors, and how it makes our favorite family pets homes/litter boxes smell fresh, and keeps our furry loves warm. They sleep on it, burrow into it, and make themselves sweet little forts with it. Highly recommend.
charlotte (verified owner) –
My gerbil had to have this because he is allergic to sawdust. :(. This is really good.
Beth2022 (verified owner) –
Perfect for my hamster snowdrop! Great for odour control and holds burrows usually get white and natural but sea glass gas my favourite colours in one 🙂
Rosie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pets always enjoy carefresh bedding, it’s cosy; soft and easy to burrow in. I’ve been loving the new bedding colours available in the UK – the purple one was released just in time for Halloween!
CryptoCandy (verified owner) –
This was this first bedding I used when I got my new piggies. The colors were so pretty, too. Now, I have a much bigger set up for the piggies, but we still use the bedding in portions of it.
Snowball (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is the only bedding we use for our hamster and the only bedding we will get for him because he loves it so much
Fufu (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Fufu loves this bedding! Easy to clean up and comes in lots of fun colours!
ChocolateandChip2022 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Chocolate & Chip, my two classroom guinea pigs LOVE Carefresh bedding to support their daily needs. The bedding helps eliminate odor, and stay fresh! Thank you for the amazing product! We love the plain for the value, but splurge for the color once in a while too!
Amber (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We love this bedding and company so much. It’s safe for my bunnies and it’s highly absorbing. No mess at the bottom of your litter box.
Stormy (verified owner) –
I have tried every kind of bedding out there and I love this bedding it’s the best and all the different colors is amazing
Vickie98 (verified owner) –
My guinea piggie loves this bedding! Its soft, 100% dust free and seems to be very very comfortable for her little feet, plus I love the different colors! You can choose, most importantly it is very absorbent, and definitely can last up to 10 days, carefresh Is one of better brands and the most affordable which I love.
Chelz (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My pets love this! Amazing product for burrowing and the colors are always cute.
Lissa427 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this bedding, I use it for all my animals including hamsters, bunnies, and hedgehogs. Best bedding I have used
Mistywaterwoman (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We use Carefresh Sea Glass bedding in our hamster’s tank. The colors are amazing, and the bedding holds burrows really well.
Connil (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Works very well and the prices are much better than others. Highly recommend! I use for my 2 guinea pigs
cts1 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Sea Glass edition is my overall favorite Carefresh bedding! It’s such a pretty color and has amazing absorbency. My hamster’s cage pan is blue, so Sea Glass bedding really pulls it together! 10/10!
Debs (verified owner) –
We love this bedding. It’s the best quality and that makes it our go to for our small pets.
Maryellie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Me and my hamster’s absolutely love this bedding! It is so soft and not dusty at all,tiles burrows well and soaks up all liquids! I have two hamsters one Syrian as well as a robo and I can confidently say this is their favorite bedding and they love burrowing in it!
loppybuns (verified owner) –
I love that this a safe product to use for my bunny, helps eliminate odor and keeps my bunnies clean.
Rascal Robos (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] We’ve been buying the carefresh natural pet bedding for our hammies since day 1 and have been happy ever since! No dust or allergies and their cage stays fresher, longer!
Rosie (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The only improvement I could suggest, is offering larger bales! I go through lots of carefresh because the pets absolutely love it. It’s perfect for my mice with a sensitive respiratory system because of how low the dust is, and they all love to burrow in it! The special colour options they have also make their cages look so much brighter and more interesting.
Lionhead4u (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I used this product for my lionhead bunny, I did make the mistake of buying blue for 6 months and dyed him blue, so I’ve switched to natural colors. But it keeps him fresh and takes away the smell.
JJ4512 (verified owner) –
My 2 cute little babies: Sullivan and Othello (guinea pigs) absolutely love this bedding. At first we were unsure as it is expensive but it is definitely worth it! Its so nice seeing some colour in their cage and
alanabear325 (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] my hamster seems to enjoy getting all cozy inside his betting, he is living a happy healthy life
Hamsterlover (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I absolutely love this product. I’ve tried numerous brands and types of beddings and I have to say this is my absolute favorite. It is not dusty at all,it is extremely soft and it holds burrows very well. All my hamsters absolutely love love love it.
Shihtzumom93 (verified owner) –
We have used carefree for many many years for all of our rodent family members from rats to rabbits and everything in between ! We love the fact that we can get awsome colors but not skimp on quailty. Top tier odor absorption! With no color leaching when wet ! So easy to clean up & stays fresh for awhile. Generally only have to clean rat cages once a week !!!!!!! So save your self time & money and add a little color to your furry friends homes !
Anonymous (verified owner) –
My little hammy, Gizmo, and I love this product so much! It’s the best! Not only is this aesthetically pleasing it is also functional. I don’t have to worry about Gizmo’s health or happiness because Carefresh products are dust free, odor free, very absorbent to keep her home clean, and very soft for her comfort. I HIGHLY recommend Carefresh products!
Chelsdev (verified owner) –
I absolutely love care fresh bedding for my two rabbits. It keeps their space clean and odour free. My kids love that it comes in all the fun colours!
Rocky (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] It’s difficult finding good quality bedding that is actually 99% dust free. I love that with carefresh I can trust that my hamster is well taken care of by using their bedding. Plus my hamster loves it and it is pretty economic.
Vickie98 (verified owner) –
My guinea piggie loves this bedding! Its soft, 100% dust free and seems to be very very comfortable for her little feet, plus I love the different colors! You can choose, most importantly it is very absorbent, and definitely can last up to 10 days, carefresh Is one of better brands and the most affordable which I love.
Jane (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Perfect for rabbits and small animals i use it as litter works awesome
Prinston (verified owner) –
I bought this product two weeks ago and it helps keep smell down
Tanya (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My mice absolutely love carefresh! The bigger pieces make it fun and easy to carry and build amazing tunnels and hides. Sometimes though it’s just fun to use carefresh to block the openings to a hide and keep others out! Lol For me personally I like carefresh for the colors. Creating cool, bright or holiday themed cages is fun to do and of course the mice like the dust free formula and oder control that allows me to clean less and let them enjoy their master pieces they create a bit longer.
Heather (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hammy loves his comfy carefresh bedding. The colours are always fun and look great. Thank you
Jess (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is the best bedding I have ever used. It has very minimal dust if any. My mice love making tunnels and nests it easily moved around . I love all the colors. I use a different color every month. It’s so much fun putting a new theme around the color I get. The clean up is easy. No smell even when it stills longer than it should. I recommend this product when I can.
Rascal (verified owner) –
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Thank you Care Fresh for making an outstanding product. We use this for our show Guinea pigs and it show rabbit nest boxes all the animals love the soft feel of your bedding! Thanks again and keep up the great job with your products. P